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Advice for the Whitman Tiger scenario

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Has anyone been able to beat this as the Germans? Once the British Fireflies show up it's usually over for me. I don't know how they manage it but these things take out my Tigers with frontal armor hits at 650+ meters, plus they all get the town buildings for cover. If you send your Tigers into the town (NEVER a good idea), they get slaughtered by point blank ambushes. Also your reinforcement infantry is kind of worthless since they're usually hordes of British infantry hiding around the map by the time German reinforcements show up.

So bottom line

-Stay out of the town at a distance and get killed by Fireflies (I swear that's not accurate).

-Go into the town and get slaughtered by ambushes and superior numbers. Your infantry is too few in numbers to support you in the town.

How the heck do you win this? I'm stumped

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Well, what do you expect from a scenario by Wild Bill Wilder (hey there WBW! wink.gif).

The truth of the subject is that what Wittmann did that day at Villers Bocage brave but quite foolish IMO.















The fireflies are quite powreful (17pdr! IIRC) , but the crews are green, so can be broken down easily.

The trick that did it for me is to go for the flag, killing all halftracks etc or the way, so that the Brits do not have time to react. The Tiger has to move all the time, backing up when it starts getting tough, otherwise the PIATs will give you a bloody nose.

When the other Tigers come, try to split them and attack the town from multiple points, to catch tanks in a cross fire. Also, do not forget that the Tigers can suppress or even kill infantry in houses, so if they are hiding, flush them out smile.gif. Your infantry is only good to rush suppressed infantry.

Keep those Tigers moving all the time Fabio!


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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If thios is the Villers- Bocage Operation. I have beaten the brits at this, its rather easy if you take the mindset that the Tigers are far from invincible.

In the first Battle, I advise you to get your tigers to reverse and utilise the long range power they have. The Tigers that start at the top behind the smaller british group can get easily caught out from front and rear hits, try go ingthrough the fields on the right to flank them as the cover and fire pos are better there in my opinion.

The infantry and PzIV i deploy on the dirt road near the big building and move them up to come on the left flanks of the brits to deal with all the inf that jump out of their half tracks. The inf you get given are vital IMHO, and there are enough if you keep them close to the tanks and dont let to many halftracks get knocked out. I wouldnt advise heading into the town using the road Witterman starts on as it crawls with tanks and inf and AT guns. Better to move to the roads at the back that lead into Villers, use your inf and halftracks to clear any brit inf. I was a little too cautious and my tigers arrived in the town too late to kill to many of the Brits tanks hiding there

Have not really given the second or third battles major thought only played them once each. It just turned into a major pile up and carnage when my entire column moving up a dirt road stumbled on the entire british forces, with allied bombers too lots of knockouts and casualties without much tactics. Still won the op but not in such a convncing manner as the first battle

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Guest Albert Labrador

Hi Folks,

I've been playing this scenario for more than a hundred times and it IS possible to get a German win about 30% of the time.


I usually try to get Wittman to pin the Brit tanks at the Center of the town by working my way back and forth the main ( center ) road. He can typically destroy at least 5-7 tanks before getting disabled.

When the other tanks come, I let two tigers swing left, around the forest and engage any tanks preoccupied with killing Wittman...There's usually a firefly somewhere on the left flank.

My panzer 4 usually gets killed on the outset but is sometimes able to take some tanks with it ( sometimes a firefly ! ) down the road where it usually deploys. the remaining tiger backs up Wittman.

The Panzerschreck is VERY important. Use it to protect your right flank in the event that your tanks are destroyed...I usually have him hiding out in one of those houses on the right side of the map.

It is difficult to win...but the sight of one or teo battered Tigers in a sea of burning British vehicles is worth it.


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Spoiler info included..















With a little bit of luck, this scenario is easy to beat with the Germans. On the very first turn, have Wittman button his tank and head down the road towards the town at full speed, switching to hunt right before the next intersection you come to. I find that this usually throws all the light armor on the road into total chaos, giving you the opportunity to pick them off while they're reversing and turning and driving all over the place trying to get out of your line of fire. Once, I even managed to nail a Sherman way over by the town very early on.

Mill around by the road for a few turns, allowing Wittman to blast away at whatever strikes his fancy, and taking care not to let any infantry get too close. If anyone starts bouncing shells off of you, it's time to back down the road. At this point you can pretty much go wherever you want, I swung around to the left and killed a few more halftracks and terrorized more soldiers.

As soon as your reinforcements show up, your PzIV will get nailed, which is annoying. I usually use my infantry to secure the closest clump of woods before moving more tanks up to hunt, and I let Wittman roam free, making a nuisance of himself and covering the advance of the other tanks. If you can get him into the city, you'll find you can usually sneak up on the tanks that will be defending the street that the victory marker's on.

some points:

-If you're being targeted by more than one tank, you're advancing too quickly. Slow down, control the pace of the battle.

-There isn't too much infantry from what I can tell, but they'll cause problems if you don't control your original position. Make sure you sweep it before reinforcements arrive.

Good luck!

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In my experience, you have to keep all your enemies on the same side of your tanks, because of the slow Tiger turret traverse.

One way is to pop off a few enemies by advancing between the two houses, then bacing back to the road and zipping far to the left, then working Wittmann's tank left until he is on the E-W road just at the entrance of the town, from where he can pick off enemies as they exit the town.

The PzIV is usually killed as soon as he appears, but the other Tigers should also head left to fight long distance along with Wittmann while avoiding enemy infantry getting too close. You should enter the town only at the end, just in time to capture the flag. The main idea is to take on the enemy tanks piecemeal.

Don't expect this to work more than 1/3 of the time.


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