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Chamboise(?)-What to do?!? (SPOILER)

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WEll, I've played the Chamboise (if that's spelled right)scenario made by Wild Bill Wilder (again, I think). I'm the Germans (2nd panzer) and my goal is to exit as many troops I can AND hold 4 objectives. Well, last time I held all the objectives, killed ALL the allied tanks, and exited quite a few troops, some tanks. My own losses was significant, but small compared to the Polish forces. Anyway, I got a DRAW?!

HOW important is it to exit troops? If I just exit all my troops at once, do I then get Total Axis vicory? Does the victory locations not matter? Does should have been stated (more specified) in the decription of the battle. Other than that, great battle! smile.gif


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It seems you don't get a total victory even if you exit the troops. I've been looking at this one carefully.

The real ratio of victory still seems to center around kills, even more than flags or exit points. I cannot confirm that and want to test some more.

I'll see what I can determine on this and let you know...


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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