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Operations - what happens to the infantry?

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Hello folks

As a new contributor to this forum can I apologise if I am asking an old question here but can anyone tell me what happens to the infantry at the end of a battle in an operation? A number of units appear sometimes to just disappear - at other times I suspect the depleted squads are being joined together to form more useable formations [i have had a German squad with 3 LMGs appear for the next battle] but generally it seems that men get "lost".

How is the AI calculating this? Is there a random nunber taken away simulating minor injuries?

Any info would be much appreciated so that I am better prepared and might even be able to avoid extra losses if it is possible



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Hi Alastair,

in between the battles of an operation, the computer determins what happens to the infantry (or any unit for that matter). If a squad has taken too many losses, it might be pulled out of the line (i.e. disappear). Sometimes squads get joined together, sometimes you might get some fresh "replacements". What happens when is kinda "fuzzy" (and also depends on the supply preferences set for that operation), but generally squads with less then 6 men or so tend to be pulled out of action.

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