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CMMOS question: yet another...


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Hello Folks (and hopefully Gordon),

I've also recently become a CMMOS convert and it is extremely convenient. One of the greatest things about it is the easy manipulation of the options that a designer wants to include. Now that I've given the mandatory kudos (and they ARE due, believe me), I have a question (of course), which I hope some kind soul might be able to enlighten me on, as well as an observation:

I've already downloaded some great non-CMMOS winter mods by Panzermartin (among others) and would really like to continue using them, although I have already installed the winterfahrzeug ruleset and mods. How can I do this? What will the ramifications be of just manually installing a couple of non-CMMOS compliant mods over the winterfahrzeug set? Will this completely discombublate CMMOS if I should later decide to uninstall winterfahrzeug? Is there a recommended procedure for doing this, or is it not recommended at all? How can I integrate non-CMMOS mods into the CMMOS environment, apart from waiting for the author to make them CMMOS compliant?

For the observation: I downloaded Mr.Noobie's CMMOS-compliant T34 mods to the \temp subdirectory of my CMMOS installation, then fired up CMMOS to install them. I clicked the 'Configure' button, but as soon as the 'Add' button is clicked from within the configuration window, the entire contents of the \temp subdirectory (save \temp\rule) are wiped. Not in the recycle bin, nowhere to be found. Had to redownload 'em. A bit disconcerting, and perhaps not intended behaviour. Just thought you might like to know of it Gordon.

At any rate, there's the question. Thanks for such a great program, and take care,


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My guess, is that CMMOS saved what you had already set-up thinking that it was the original CD version CMBB default setup.

Now, with CMMOS 4.0, you can revert back to that original setup for any specific vehicle as opposed to reverting back to the way it was for all of your vehicles. Actually, I think that you could also revert back to the entire lot if you wanted to.

Am I right guys?

Someone ought to come along soon and confirm.

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CMMOS performs backups of all the "original BFC" textures. Since there were no original BFC winter vehicle textures, those files are not backed up. Now, if you happen to have a non-CMMOS mod installed when you first apply a CMMOS mod for that vehicle, the current mod will be backed up as if it were the original BFC texture.

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I never imagined that people would put files in the CMMOS "private" temp folder, and to make sure that I don't waste space unnecessarily, CMMOS periodically wipes out everything in it. Please don't put anything in that folder. You can install mods and rule-sets from anywhere on your system (including a network mapped drive, or a CD-ROM).


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if you happen to have a non-CMMOS mod installed when you first apply a CMMOS mod for that vehicle, the current mod will be backed up as if it were the original BFC texture.

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Hi Gordon,

Sure, I understand perfectly. However, my question is this: I've installed the winterfahrzeug set already. This will install a whitewashed 38(t), among many others. If I prefer Panzermartin's winterized 38(t) over that of the default winterfahrzeug one, what are the ramifications of me just manually installing it over the top of the winterfahrzeug one, thereby replacing just that one texture?

Is this a bad thing to do generally? Can you foresee troubles arising in future install\uninstalls if I do this? Thanks again,


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As far as I understand; If one would add a certain mod after applying a CMMOS ruleset mod; that mod would overwrite that particular model, and leave the others untouched. The only problems would be with shared BMPs or applying another CMMOS ruleset which affects that particular mod.

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Yes, the only problem would be that if your re-ran the German dunkelgrau whitewash rule you'd lose panzermartin's Pz 38(t) (until you manually reinstalled his). We are working with panzermartin to covert his mods to CMMOS, so this will only be a temporary issue.


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