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Invasion America: New England Economic Zone

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anyone want to test my new scenario?

basically the story has the us as a crazy laizze faire free-market oriented country, the germans conquered england, and invaded the us. of course the us and german tanks have been reversed in quality, and the germans have the air power.

(despite the name, there is only a small town in this scenario)

Invasion America: New England Economic Zone

German Briefing


X Day +14:

Despite our early invasion success, we are still in the New England Economic Zone of the United States of America. It will be just as difficult conquering this England as the original. I suggest you remember that.

We have near total air superiority. Nonetheless, watch out for our own fighters. The flyboys in cyan need glasses.

It's April 15th, Tax for the Military Day, the day the Right Wing Blue obliterated all income taxes but a 33% one to pay for US military costs. Because of this the Americans will defend the town fanatically. Intelligence reports indicate the Americans have assembled a small force. It may even include a Sherman tank, so use extreme caution.


future possible scenarios:

-stay cool in coolidge park

-a "move the gold filled trucks out" scenario

-an "assasinate the chief executive of america" scenario

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

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That sound kick ass, send me a copy! (e mail in proficle or website in the sig)

I was planning on doing a fictional campaign where the German are fighting in the U.S. First landings in Florida and from there they move up North. At the Same time there would be landings in the center. New Yourk maybe. The Gemran would fight their way all the way to California.

Hope the rest of your scenarios turn out good. I'll be happy to test it and send you an AAR!

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I have finnished the scenario and let me say it was awesome! Nice and small, medium size!











Well I started with a VG company 4 Pz-IV, Stuh42, 2 Puma's, 2 251/1 HT's and 2 Nashorn's!

I split my main force, not in hlaf though. I sent a platoon a STUH and a Puma to the east set up zone. The rest(2/3) of my force remained at their original starting possition.

My main attack would come from the South West toward the village, while the second attack force from the South east would act as a distraction.

I possitioned the Nashorns on overwatch, ofcourse ont he 1st turn, on of the Nashorns bought one from a chafee. My 4 PZ-IV moved in for the kill and took it out.

My 2 platoon attack force on attacked the village. One platoon attack straight from a westren direction the other from a south west direction. The green sqauds pannicked right away. But my PZ-IV's (all 4 of them) saved the by moving into the village and blowing half the town to rubble.

I took the town suffering medium casualties, I was down to hlaf strenght. All of a sudden a Jumbo shows up, and takes out a Puma. Not good. I see some inf. along side the jombo, counter-attack force.

More AFV's show up, a chaffe and another Jumbo. So I lay a trap. I send one Puma on a small ridge and tell it back off. So the Jumbos try to get a better shot and expose themselfs. Ofcourse all of my PZ-IV's open up, but all the rounds bounce of the Jumbo's but one took out the chaffe. In the procces one PZ-IV gets nailed too. Seeing as the 75mm guns have no affect against the Jumbo's front I send in the Nashorn.

At the same time, I send all 3 shreck teams to flank and try to get a shot. At 143m a shreck hits and penatrates to no affect. Finnaly the Nashorn scores a hot and kill one Jumbo. Not before the Jumbo gets off a shot and dmages the Nashorns gun. But a second later it is killed by a 50cal.

So one last Jumbo agaisnt 3 PZ-IVs, no problem. BUT a freakin sniper kills all my TC's. So all my AFVs I have left (3 PZ-IV's Puma, Stuh42) have no TC's.

So I try to lure the Jumbo in and kill it. So it moves in and the Stuh fires a shot and misses and backs off. In the proccs gets bogged and imobolized later, GREAT!

Finnally a PZ-IV manages to kill the sucker. Fearing another attack, I move 2 half sqauds up, about 150-200m forward, to act as combat outposts. Of course my idiotic bomber fly's by, drops bombs and kills an entire platoon. I was pissed. After that I had about one half stength platoon and another platoon down to 15 men. Not good. So I just go on the defensive in the town and await further attacks.

A minor attack does come but is reppeled by my troops easily. The rest of the time I just wait.

Final outcome, Axis Minor victory. At the start all was well, I took the village in 10min (10 turns). But the Jumbos got the better of me. And the Bomber (which was on my side) killed an entire platoon.

Good scenario looking forward to the rest of them. Very good map, good force mix up. Good job!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tiborhead:

At last, some Invasion Americana scenarios!

I've tried to make dozens of these, but they all suck. If you would be so kind as to send me a copy please?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

one tip: make a good story that is not at all historical. otherwise it's exactly like an allies defending against a german attack scenario.

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