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Prokhorovka: Tac Victory as German

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First try -- 91 to 9 total victory; although God knows that had to be a fluke. Lost 9 AFVs (5 panzer IIs, 3 Marder IIs and a Panzer IV). Killed/Captured 60 Russian tanks after the AI surrendered.

Game is great, but my favorite part of the whole experience was my 3-year-old providing a running commentary for my wife. Apparently, I "powed" a lot of T-34s. smile.gif

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A "draw" as a Soviet player, 55 to 45 in my favor. I killed 35 tanks while losing 33. I suppose I could've gotten a tactical by putting more attention to keep various VL positions flagged in my favor, but in the last turns, I got down & dirty focused on some close engagements.

I don't know if the map is laid out historically, but it sure was fascinating to use as a "tank playground."

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Tried it as the Russians. Got a 70-30 tactical victory. Knocked out 24 German AFVs, damaged a couple more and immobilized a Tiger. Lost 12 tanks of my own, and had two more with damaged guns. I should have been more aggressive, but it was my first attempt at using Soviet armor. Pretty intense moments there, especially when the Tigers started tearing holy hell out of one of my T-34 platoons. I would have got that crippled fella except time ran out.

Last thing -- I was surprised those Panzer IIILs were as hard to kill as they were. From 400m+, front turret hits with my 76mms just bounced off (I understood why after looking at their detailed info). So I had to bring up flanking units and shoot em in the side.

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