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I'm Sergio, from Spain, and I'm a great big fan of "Combat Mission". The main reason I got CB is because I'm a Squad Leader fan (though I don't play it now since a couple years ago), and I've found that CB is very

similar to the classic Avalon Hill's game (together "Steel Panthers", the other great WWII tactical game). Also, I must recognize that I'm an addict of CB (it's my fave game), and I'm still dicovering many things about it everytime I play. :)

I have some comments and suggerences about CB, in order to be improved in a

future next updating (NOTE: I've posted this here because I don't know where's the section where it might fit; I don't know if I'm wrong to post it here; in that case, I'm sorry):

1) I miss the motorcycles (i.e., the classic BMW with sidecar and a MG 42)and the bikes (for this example, see the classic Squad Leader's Crescendo of Doom).

2) I've found out that the abandoned arms of the enemy can't be used. In Squad Leader, this can be possible under some conditions (see SL rules 13.5, 41.2, and 50.4).

3) Why can't the vehicles crews use their abandoned vehicles again, if those ones aren't damaged?

4) Can the bridges and similar be destroyed by engineers squads?

5) I also miss the trenchs (NOT the foxholes).

6) When one of your own army is captured and liberated soon after, he's

unarmed. Can he be armed again?

7) Can the units become "berserk"?

8) Can the units get promotions on the very battlefield?

9) I'd like that the final report more detailed.

And now a question about the future of CB: will new expansions or updatings

for the game? For instance, the Eastern Front, the Africa Campaign, Europe

(pre-Overlord), and Asia (Japan, Birmania, etc.) I think that would be

great! :)

Nothing more for this moment. I'd like to hear your comments about the

things I've exposed above, if you can.

Best wishes from Spain,



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Guest Germanboy

Hi Sergio, welcome to the board. There is a primitive FAQ, where most of your questions might be answered already at: http://cm4mac.tripod.com/ . We are working on it, but it will take some time, I guess. But go there and have a look.

Most of the things you miss are based on careful design decisions. If you do a search of the forum, you will find many threads discussing these issues.

Enjoy the game.



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I'm Sergio, from the U.S. wink.gif

And I too am a big fan of CM (who isn't)

I can answer a few of your questions, but your best bet is the search function. It will have the answers to all the questions you have, and its' free! wink.gif

Ok,let's see...

6) No, because it's assumed that the captors disabled / confiscated the weapons.

7)Routed is the worst condition (apart from dead) that a unit can be. Now, I've gone beserk as have my opponents, but that's a different thing altogether.

8) The time scale of a typical CM game is to short for a unit to "upgrade".

And to your final questions, Yes there are plans to continue the game into other theaters. The current plan is:

CM2-Eastern front

CM3-Med, Africa, Balkans

CM4-Western front (early years)

There is no plan to include the Pacific, but one never knows wink.gif

Hope this helps smile.gif


Wow, I've had the **** hit the fan before, but never like this...

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I'll take a stab at briefly answering some of your other questions:

1 (motorcycles) - not included. I don't know for sure, but I think that by 1944-45 there weren't many motorcycle units left. I suppose these might make it into CM-4 (1939-1940 western front).

2 (using captured weapons) - not allowed for several reasons. While it happened from time to time in reality, I think the decision was that it was (a) fairly rare, (B) usually not too significant and © difficult to implement.

3 (recrewing abandoned vehicles) - this can be done in an operation, but not in a single battle. The thinking is that if a crew decides to abandon their vehicle, they are sufficiently shaken-up that they're not motivated to jump right back in and continue the fight within the approximate 30-minute timespan of a single scenario. Between battles of an operation, abandoned but undamaged vehicles can be remanned.

4 (destroying bridges) - I don't know for sure. I _think_ that bridges can be destroyed (e.g. by HE direct fire) but I'm not sure - and I'm fairy certain that infantry can NOT destroy bridges.


Leland J. Tankersley

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee:

As for going berserk, troops can go "Fanatic" which means they act like psychos and don't panic or surrender. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In the Cheneux scenario, I had US airborne squads rush a German position inside a heavy building, every single US squad member was wiped out.

The annoying thing is... I never told them to attack that position, I had told them to just stay where they were. But enemy fire triggered something, and they rushed the German stronghold.

This is a night scenario, I am developing a theory about that (squads at night don't know what's going on, so they might do anything.)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

This is a night scenario, I am developing a theory about that (squads at night don't know what's going on, so they might do anything.)


Yeah, I was playing a night scenario the other day. I had a machine gun perched on the top floor of a building over looking a field. I then had a mortar unit cross the far side of the field (about 200 meters from the machine gun) and my machine gun started to shoot at him on his own. My only guess was that he though the mortar team was German, which is understandable considering my forces were in dissary and 3/4 of my Lt.s had been eliminated.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

This is a night scenario, I am developing a theory about that (squads at night don't know what's going on, so they might do anything.)


Yeah, I was playing a night scenario the other day. I had a machine gun perched on the top floor of a building over looking a field. I then had a mortar unit cross the far side of the field (about 200 meters from the machine gun) and my machine gun started to shoot at him on his own. My only guess was that he though the mortar team was German, which is understandable considering my forces were in dissary and 3/4 of my Lt.s had been eliminated.

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As for going berserk, troops can go "Fanatic" which means they act like psychos and don't panic or surrender.


Troops do not "go" Fanatic. It is determined randomly at the start of the scenario. The designer specifies what percentage of troops on each side will be Fanatic. The game then decides which squads actually are fanatic. This just means that they are reduced in moral much more slowly. They do not act strangely.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee:

oops sorry. I never actually got fanatic troops yet. From what I;ve read people have posted of them charging forward without beng ordered to<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There was that Panther of yours that rushed behind the houses that got blasted by the zook team in our first PBEM game.

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Motorcycles and bikes weren't implemented because on a typical CM battlefield(1-3kmsx1-3kms) the motorcycle troops had probably already dismounted from their vehicles.

They were very vulnerable on their bikes and therefore often dismounted at a safe distance from the battle. You'll notice that in games like West Front.

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka PanzerLeader:

Motorcycles and bikes weren't implemented because on a typical CM battlefield(1-3kmsx1-3kms) the motorcycle troops had probably already dismounted from their vehicles.

They were very vulnerable on their bikes and therefore often dismounted at a safe distance from the battle. You'll notice that in games like West Front.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

By this stage of the war the only motorcycle troops were military police or dispatch riders.

Both sides had issued bicycles to certain formations at the time of the D-Day landings, but they tended to get discarded very quickly.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

In the Cheneux scenario, I had US airborne squads rush a German position inside a heavy building, every single US squad member was wiped out.

The annoying thing is... I never told them to attack that position, I had told them to just stay where they were. But enemy fire triggered something, and they rushed the German stronghold.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've noticed this behavior among airborne troops. I haven't played them enough to reach a definite conclusion, but I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that they are usually given Elite status. I am currently playing a QB where they are only Veteran, and they seem to be quite a bit more discreet, while still retaining enough courage and determination to get the job done. I suspect that Elite units may have a tad too much elan for their own good, though their behavior may in part be determined by how they are armed, and what overall the mix of forces is.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

I've noticed this behavior among airborne troops. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Similar thing happened to me a couple days ago but my guys weren't airborne, they were SS. All of a sudden the platoon HQ and one of two squads it was commanding decided to attack all on their own. It worked so I didn't mind too much. ;) Maybe it's a bug?


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I would like to support Sergio and his desire to have motorcycles in CM. Germans are and have been geniuses in the art of automotive technology. The BMW motorcycles in German Infantry divisions made them more mobile than any other infantry divisions in the world. I think they should be there. smile.gif

Also the VW jeep (both amphibious and land)transports would be nice. That's just my two-cents worth. More power to you!

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