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Who wanted recommended Scenarios?

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There’s something new at TH-Forums! Ever wish you had an easy to find list of PBEM or TCP scenarios for something besides yet another Quick Battle fight? Yes, now we have a list of our favorite recommendations in three categories:

Small – Scenarios that can easily be played TCP at one sitting

Medium to Large – Scenarios in the 25-35 turn range that make for a much more involved and playable game for you and your opponent.

Large to Huge – Wimpy computers beware! These scenarios have Huge maps and will give you many, many hours of wailing and gnashing of teeth as you fight your opponent for the total supremacy of the World! Well, at least for bragging rights at the end of the scenario…

All of these scenarios have been played by TH-Forums members and are recommended for TCP or PBEM play. If you like them, how about submitting your own recommendations to us? We will play them and, if we like them, will add them to the list.


By the way, while you’re on our site, check out the latest AAR’s, book reviews and tactics articles feel free to submit one of your own!


Note! When you're done playing, how about going to the Scenario Depot and reviewing them! smile.gif

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Thanks for listing Christmas Surprise.

Let me second the bit about reviewing at Scenario Depot. I have a couple of battles waiting in the wings, and I want some feedback on the battles I have already submitted before I finalize them. My three other battles have between 40 and 70 downloads, but no reviews.

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Guess it was me being so loud about "hard to find quality pbem scaenarios" so cheers to all this good service. Hope that some day the other fine sites can hear me howl...

And yes, if I ever get one finished I'll review it. That's a promise.


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Which ones are that Marlow?

I can have a look,I know the feeling. :(

Some of my scenarios are dl over a 100 times and have only 1 review

At least I review every scenario I play from the depot.

I hope others will do the same in the future.

feedback can make os only better,it doesnt matter if its negative or positive feedback!

btw any one here that dl one of my scenarios from the depot?????? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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