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Plunder across the Rhine

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I have a new scenario that I would appreciate some feedback on before I release it. It's a bit of a monster...a huge map with 12,000 pts worth of units and fortifications.

The battle is fictional, but is set during the exploitation phase of Operation Plunder after the crossing of the Rhine. It deals with an assault by elements of the British 7th AD backed up by units from 79th AD ("Hobo's Funnies").

The inspiration for the scenario was Robin Neillands book, "The Desert Rats: 7th Armoured Division 1940-1945", and "79th Armoured Division: Hobo's Funnies" by Nigel Duncan.

If you'd like a copy let me know.



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Hi Steve

an update onprogress

We are at turn 13 now

Deerslayer plays the Brits and I have the germans

Like I said we both like the map!

We are not bored with the troops either,nice tactical moves and fierce fighting

the reinforcements are placed well so far,specially the brit troops are placed on fun spots,cost me some headaches to contain the different threaths.

But I think I managed well untill now

Good job!

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You haven't seen nothing yet Stoffel!

Been fun Steve and we'll keep you posted. I call this one "Das Beast" for all the moves I have to do... Thanks for all the Arty I have which Stoffel has only begun to see :)

I love the map and the surprises I've run into.

[ March 28, 2002, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: jhdeerslayer ]

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I love huge maps, I have also done an huge fictional operation but still testing and probably will not release it (is my first map) but I will do an historical huge op and will release it.

Well I want it :) will play as germans (I hope it plays well as germans) e-mail at my profile smile.gif

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KNAC and Mark...it's in the post, but I think that'll be the last pre-release version I'll send out. I'll probably be sending a revised version to the scenario depot in a couple of weeks or so.

Stoffers and Deerslayer...glad you're having fun with it...despite the size. And DS, and I'm not actually sure I've given you enough Arty ;)


[ March 28, 2002, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: SteveS ]

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Hmmm Deerslayer,I had the impression your arty hit more of your own troops than they hit mine smile.gif

But thanks for warning me smile.gif

So far I shot up a lot of worthless recon vehicles and troopcarriers,I havent seen to many tanks and my ammostock is rapidly declining :(

But the troops are confident they will hold off the Brits,see Germany and die right.......... :rolleyes:

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At turn 18.


Be warned this topic can contain


from now on




















eliminated enemy para presence on my right flank.

brit artillery offered a helping hand but caused some casualties on my own troops too redface.gif

retreated the tiger after letting it play with some allied vehicles

My left flank has some trouble but I think I will be able to retreat the man to a new defensive setup to the rear

Time for some extra troops!!

[ April 04, 2002, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Stoffel ]

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Assaulting the small village now under a pretty smoke screen. Stoffel will soon get to see some of my armor and Funnies. Mines are a problem and pop up everywhere. Will soon have two flag's I suspect. Beginning to think the map is a tad bit too large and too much to do in 60 turns but time will tell. I have been probably average on aggressiveness. Almost all armor still intact with light casualties except lone Para Platoon that was wiped out by the bunker they destroyed.

[ April 01, 2002, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: jhdeerslayer ]

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the biggest problem I face with my armor is that I need to have good flank positions and I can only assault armor if they are properly identified

The ammo load outs are scarce so I cant afford to waist rounds on Churchills frontal armor

Also I dont have to many tanks:(

Set up some new ambushes to get some tank kills

indeed as Jeff stated the map might be too big for 60 turns,but we will see

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Guest Claymorerigh

I've been playing this as the British vs a German AI.

So far I seem to be progressing at about the same rates as Stoffel and Deerslayer. Iam at turn 16 at this point.

In writing up notes for an AAR, I also was wondering if there will be sufficient time to reach all of the objectives.

I chose to do a good deal of recon work with the paratroops - with some very interesting results. I have definitely been able to pre-empt a few nasty surprises this way.

My left and center are in good shape and advancing toward the village. I confess that the Monastery is no longer habitable :D

My right has had to slow down to deal with a pesky AT gun which seems invulnerable to counter-fire for some reason. :mad:

SteveS: I will send my complete notes to you via email once I have a moment to write them up.

I am really enjoying cracking this particular nut.

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perfect ambush position:

Stug just behind the edge of a little hill. smile.gif

Firefly droves by at 350 meters :rolleyes: ,damn Stug(veterans) fired 3 rounds and not a single hit :mad: :mad:

I dont have the ammo levels to sustain such a waist of ammo. :(

Think I will have them shot when this battle is over ;)

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Hi Chaps,

It's extremely gratifying that you're enjoying this. As far as the game length, map size and ammo levels are concerned, I wanted to introduce an element of resource management and also a sense of urgency, especially for the attacker in the latter case. However, there is rather a fine line between a challenging experience and a frustrating experience. The number of turns will probably need some tuning. One thing I've already changed is converting the minor flags to major flags. There are some interesting threads on this currently in the forum and I realised that the total VL points I'd put in originally was rather too small.



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well it was just a matter of time you would spot him(stug)

the other ambush didnt pay of as well,4 rounds fired ,two missed,two penetrations(!)but no kill redface.gif

besides it has no ammo left to fight:(

you have waisted to much arty-ammo on empty spaces tongue.gif

I managed to move my troops around succesfully till now.

You will find some other nasty surprises when you move on smile.gif

Steve,ok that you changed the victory points

I just read the story.

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We got at turn 31

Just lost another stug in a neat ambush position.

It too fired several rounds and missed its opponent.

End of story was a knockout for my stug

I lost almost a company of man in the forest behind the monastery near the little village

I hope my second defensve line can hold out better

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