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Everything posted by Hammerstein

  1. Hi All I've just finished my historicl scenario (see below) and before I post it I would be grateful if anyone could test it for me. You can post a message here if your interested and I will send you the scenario. Or just contact me at lgh@blueyonder.co.uk Thanks Hammerstein BE PURE, BE VIGILANT, BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE CASSEL MAY 1940 This is the defence of Cassel an important local road junction. The defenders were elements of the 4th oxford and Bucks Light infantry, machine gunners from a Territorial Army Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment, Brigade A.T Unit and some French Army Elements. Also a few Royal Engineers, Royal Signals and R.A.M.C personnel and not forgetting the R.F.A 209 battery. I have tried to create a scenerio as close to historical fact as possible. These men were the rear guard who carried on fighting when Operation Dynamo was well under way.
  2. Hi all I am after the link for Panzertruppen's Building mods I hear they are superb. Hammerstein BE PURE, BE VIGILANT BUT ABOVE ALL BEHAVE
  3. Hi there Could anyone please tell me how to go about, placing Foxholes in the Scenerio Editor, also the Barb wire in Juan Ramon Lopez Letamendi's Remagen Scenerio is brilliant, I'd really like to place this in mine. Anyone know where I can get it and how I place it in the Scenerio aswell. Many Thanks Hammerstein :confused: BE PURE, BE VIGILANT BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE
  4. I'm in the process of researching for this MOD and commenced it today. CASSEL MAY 1940 This is the defence of Cassel an important local road junction. The defenders were elements of the 4th oxford and Bucks Light infantry, machine gunners from a Territorial Army Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment, Brigade A.T Unit and some French Army Elements. Also a few Royal Engineers, Royal Signals and R.A.M.C personnel and not forgetting the R.F.A 209 battery. I have tried to create a scenerio as close to historical fact as possible. These men were the rear guard who carried on fighting when Operation Dynamo was well under way. It will be ready soon, I hope you all like it. Hammerstein BE PURE, BE VIGILANT, BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE
  5. Thanks for the feedback from what you have all said its looking more and more likely that I will go with a type of semi historical scenario. I.E: From what I've seen in the film and what I have read its highly likely that the German post at Ludendorff Bridge could have been releived by elements of a Panzer Brigade, which one I'm not sure but this as Tom has said would make for an excellent what if Scenerio. I will keep you posted on when the Scenerio is ready, (Having trouble putting the Bridge bitmaps together at the mo). Hammerstein "The modern Alexander must bend modern technology to his will and instil it into his soldiers". GUDERIAN
  6. Hi All I'm in the process of just moving into my new house, I've sorted out the computer and stuff. But I've mislaid my CMBO Booklet, can someone please remind me how to set up the Play by mail for the game. I'm due to start one on Friday and I can't think where to start. Thanks A rather daft looking Hammerstein. :confused: BE PURE, BE VIGILANT, BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE.
  7. I have just started designing another Scenerio for the Remagen Bridge as I was very taken by the excellent one designed by Juan Ramon Lopez Letamendi. I am in the process of modelling the Ludendorff Bridge and surroundings, this appears to be the easy bit, I have taken alot of ideas from the film of the same name. the only thing I'm having a problem with is order of battle for Axis and Allies. If anyone has any idea please let me know. I know this much, when the head of Combat Command B, General William Hoge, observed that the bridge was still standing, he ordered the 27th Armored Infantry Battalion to go down the hill and attack the town of Remagen prior to possibly crossing the bridge before it was blown up. At the same time, the 14th Tank Battalion of the 9th Armored Division was ordered to proceed to the west side of the bridge after helping to clean out the defenders in the town of Remagen. General Hoge was actually violating his orders, which were to turn south to join up with General Patton's third Army etc. I need approx numbers etc of both allies and axis and obviously equipment etc. As you can see I am trying to make this as accurate as possible. If anyone can help I would be very grateful. Hammerstein BE PURE, BE VIGILANT, BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE.
  8. Sounds like a good Scenerio, I'll take a look for you.... E.mail is in my profile or just send to lgh@blueyonder.co.uk Cheers Hammerstein BE PURE BE VIGILANT BUT MOST OF ALL BEHAVE!!
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