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German tanks are killing me!

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I'm sure I'm not the only one...or maybe I am.

My tank tactics were ok and were improving in CMBO but playing Soviets on CMBB I cant keep my tanks alive long enough to have a fighting chance. Ive been reading up on Soviet Tank Tac but advice would be wonderful.


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The Russians get to run around wild with armor in 1941. The KV's are nearly invincible and the T34's are a challenge (outside of turret hits). But then in early 1942, the Germans introduce something that changes everything: the L/43 and L/48 75mm AT gun. Mounted on the Mark IV's and StuG's, this comes as a rude surprise for the Russians. From that point on, the Russians are always outgunned with much better optics IMO.

How to fight it? Well, you dont smile.gif Put a StuG in a hull down position, and KV's and T34's alike will RUN AWAY FROM IT! Best way to take care of them is combined arms. Either draw attention with infantry, or close assault with infantry. Flank shots are all youve got against the better armor of the Mark IV's and StuG's.

Good luck!


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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Daggone Soviet 76.2mm's, are they even as good as the ole' Sherman 75mm gun? At least the HE blast is nice'n'lethal. Mmmmm, Canister rounds. :mad:

I hate cannister! I have lost more company HQ's to cannister than anything else! The AI loves to run his T34's all over the place!


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Interesting. I'm playing a QB now where the AI seems content to let its T-34 site out on a rise in the Steppes and shoot at me at long range.

(Of course, I have no, as in zero, anti-tank weapons. I am also attacking. I am about to see if squads can actually sneak up on a buttoned tank in the Steppes. It might be a slaughter).

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Played early, (Dec 1941) QB vs AI as ruskies. Got a meeting Engagement, 1000pts Comb. Arms.

I got 4 tanks; 2 T-34, 1 KV-1, a support (76mm) version of T-26 and comppany of inf. By turn 2 the KV-1 was bogged and immobilized by snow, turn 3 T-26 took a hit from Pz II and was out, but the T-34's were ruling the battlefield. Between them (as computer surendered by turn 15) they got 4 Pz II's, 2 Pz (38)t's, a Pz IV and nearly 120 inf kills (inc. arty FO and a mortar. All other units got something around 12 inf kills.

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