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When not to hide

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When expecting an attack and you want your 76mm AT gun to engage at long range. I made the mistake of hiding my gun, my opponent rushed towards his position, but since he was hidden he never fired a shot. Don't know what'll happen next, but it's very possible he dies without firing a shot.

Lesson? Don't hide your troops if you want them to fire before coming on top of you.


Jeff Abbott

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Update: I had a 76mm AT gun, hidden in some scattered trees. The enemy rushed 10 or so halftracks toward a building adjacent to my hiding place. So for 60 seconds I watched helplessly as they came closer and closer. By the end of the turn they were within 15m of the building and my AT gun was still hidden. The closest enemy was 50m and about 2 o'clock from my position. Next turn I unhide my gun to take a shot. Never got one off.

As soon as the turn started, 5 sight lines tracked immediately to my gun and he started taking heavy fire. He broke and ran away within 45 sec of the turn starting.

If I had left him unhid, he would've engaged each target as it first appeared. Maybe he would've gotten one or two before he died, but at least he would've gotten off a shot.

Additionally, the building the enemy was heading towards contained a bazooka team, hidden (I anticipated his attacked rather well, planned it rather poorly). Since my zook was hidden, he didn't engage the halftracks in the first 60 seconds. Next turn I unhide him to hopefully kill at least one halftrack before I get overrun. He did get off one shot, missed, and was immediately killed for his efforts. If he had been unhidden, he would've fired earlier and, again, maybe taken out one or two halftracks before being overrun.

So instead of taking out 2-4 halftracks, I took out zero and now the enemy has the building and the advantage. Just to compound my misery, I had anti-personnel mines right in front of the building so that any infantry that survived the half-track kill would've had to walk through a mine field to get to the building. That too was a waste since I hid my units at the start of the first move.

Lesson? Don't hide your units if you want them to engage the enemy from a distance.


Jeff Abbott

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Lesson? Don't hide your units if you want them to engage the enemy from a distance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okey-dokey. Thanks for sharing. smile.gif


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I would have hid the troops but kept the 75mm Gun unhidden to fire at the halftracks as they came in. If you unhide the troops to early (100M+ distance) the halftracks will butcher them. I think the 75mm Gun would have taken most of them out before they got to close and then MAYBE once the remaining halftracks came close to your hidden troops put a bazooka shot or a panzerfaust through the side of them. Bottom line in halftracks clean up on infantry from a distance.

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I had this same question after my hidden bazooka team in the woods did nothing as the Tiger I was waiting for went from 100+ meters to less than 50 meters. I had specifically targeted the Tiger so he was in the sights the whole time.

I thought the rule in the manual was that hidden units would fire once the targeted unit came close enough for a good shot, which seemed true in my case.

What is the rule on when hidden units will fire? Does specific targeting make a difference?

Thanks for any help.


Just call me Lucifer 'cause I'm in need of some respect....

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I think the key is to set ambush points where you want your guys to engage the enemy. I sometimes set multiple points along an arc where I want my guys to cover. I've had no trouble setting my guys to Hide so long as I've set an ambush point. This allows them to stay hidden until the bad guys reach the right spot (and also keeps them from firing too early). It's always worked just fine for me.

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