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CM BO SE wont play anything but single player

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I hope that i am not rehasing a old topic I looked and searched the forums for this problem and didnt seam to find it anywhere so if this has already been covered I am sorry.

I bought CM BO SE and when i set up a game It only gives me the Option of single player. the boxes are there for all types of play but the only one that gets any response is the single player. the othermulti player options do not highlight or click or anything.

I have tried all the tricks i know I ahve reinstalled the game fresh etc etc. but no luck the multi player refuses to respod to any mouse clicks.

I have CM BB also and I never had any problems with it.

Win XP Pro is the Os i am using.

Thanks in advace for any surgestions you might have to fix this problem.

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It is installed in the default location.

C:\Program Files\CMBO

Yes both the directorys are there.

No I have not patched it. like you said its already patched to the current version out of the box.

It will play pbemail games that i recive. but no way to create the game or host game etc.

[ July 21, 2003, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: RooT ]

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So you can press the "Join Multiplayer" button and load an email game, but the other options don't respond ?

When you do a QB are the 'email' or 'tcpip' or 'hotseat' buttons non-functional once you get to that stage ?

I can't imagine what could be interfering with something so specific in the program since it is a monolithic file with a majority of its functionality in one executable. When you've done the reinstalls have they been 'clean' - i.e. the install has to create the directory and it isn't installing over previous files ?

Have you closed down any other programs that are running in the background, including anti-virus, instant messaging clients, any unique mouse utilities, etc. - during the install and while attempting to play multiplayer ?

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I dont run any firewall, virus scanners or mouse modifications. so it couldnt be that.

The join multiplayer functions work just fine.

I did however knotice while messing with it sommore and comparing it too CM BB which works perfectly for me through and through. that i had made a mistake in the diagnosses of the problem

its not that the other otions except for single player are not necisarily uinfunctional after setting up a game etc. the exact problem is that when i leave the quick battle set up screen or the scenario selection screen the single player is already selected with out me doing anyting. and is stuck on it and the mouse will not change the selection. Sorry i didnt knotice that detail tell just now.

anways i am still jsut as bafflled what is causing it every other interface sceen works just fine to the best of my knollege and like i said b4 i have been playing CM BB with abolutly no problems at all

I apriciate all the help, maybe the revsion of the exact symtoms will give you more of a idea what is going wrong taht i have missed i ahve read everything i can find as far as trouble shooters etc. and i havent seen this mentioned anywhere....................lol the suport boards are always my last ditch effort in fixing things.

in other words i have eather just complety missed somthing here, or i am at the end of the line as far as far as things i know and have read .

thanks again for the help.

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What mouse are you using ? How is it hooked up to your computer, via USB or PS/2 or Serial port ? What drivers are you using for it ? Do they come with Windows XP or were they installed ?

Your problem sounds pretty unique. Have you tried minimizing (Alt-Tab) and remaximizing CMBO to see if this makes any difference (such as refreshing the screen) ? What video card and drivers do you have installed ?

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I fixed it. I think i have come to a conclution of what the problem was. I had a friend of mine bring his copy over and i did a fresh install off of his disc. Problem solved.

I think My Disc aquired some kinda of dammage in manufacturaing or who knows where because it is not vissable on the disc. prolly a microscopic hole in the silver layer of the disc. I used to work at a record store and i did run across a few cds while there that had no visable dammage

but had errors in them. i have seen only once or twice thow where it was a individual disc. usaly it will be the intire run of discs that are that way. Anyways Tommorow i am gonna go exchange my disc for antoerh copy of CM BO SE since i havent even had it a week. i can still exchange it at the store.

Thanks for all your help

[ July 21, 2003, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: RooT ]

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Yah I Tried to get it to work every which way and no matter what the screen was stuck on single player.

I went and exchanged the disc for another one and this one works just fine.

[ July 22, 2003, 04:14 AM: Message edited by: RooT ]

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