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things I have learned from CMBO

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I rarely post prefering to listen and learn but as BTS and us move from one game to hte next and yes I have preordered :D here are some things I have learned -- 1. the Brits have really cool armor to play with -- for city fights--love that churchill croc-- 2.the uber tanks are not always so uber-but when they --they really are-- 3. It is not the Sherman i feel sorry for, it is the poor ole MK4 no wonder they called them mess kit tins ( from The Guns of Normandy) -- as to the on going and soon to be continuning they do not shoot good enough-- they shoot too good-- all have to say is if tungston was as good as it is in the games i have played -wow. The germans should have had tungsten fear instead of Allied having Tiger fear. 3. I have learned that for the first time I can see what I see on a documentary--many times I will watch and watch and just be amazed at finally seeing what I have been reading about all these years. 4. i have learned " I love Arty" give me enough guns and you can stop most anything. In Against the Panzers-- the authors make the comment that with arty support the allied could always hold the German attacks--their words not mine.-5. I have learned that the real limits of the game with map maker etc is my little mind. add the mods that are avaiable and wow. 6. I have learned that a few little changes --change the game almost completely-- I like the what if's -- by letting the re enforcements come in some where behind your lines in a city fight --it is like they have used the sewer or subway-for allied re-enforcements put air borne in the city on an early turn- and then you have to take the city and fight to them --I am sure others ahve figured this out but it is what I have learned-- 7 Last but not least -- I have learned to say Thanks thanks to the modders and to BFC. this is really quite a game thanks :D PS To all who wonder should I still buy CMBO yes!!!!!!

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Hmm... things I learned.

1. 'Always buy cheap armour, it blows up just as well as the expensive stuff' (from The_Capt).

2. The Waffen SS are nothing more than overpriced hamsters (source unknown, but probably some Pengista).

3 Always say hello to your mother (from Croda).

4. The number in American tanks, such as M4 or M5, indicates the number of turns they will survive (unknown again)

5. Do a search! (from everyone).

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A few things I've learned from CMBO, in no particular order:

1. VT artillery is extremely effective and worth every penny.

2. VT 155mm is so effective against both tanks and infantry that it's almost unreal.

3. Drop your arty on known targets. Don't waste it. Keep a little around for the endgame.

4. Zooks, shrecks and PIAT are precious resources. Don't waste them.

5. Well positioned AT guns are very, very hard to beat.

6. Heavy buildings are much better protection than light buildings.

7. No building is worth much once the tank rounds start hammering it.

8. Split squads cost you victory points if they're still split at the end.

9. The HIDE commmand is your friend.

10. Never risk an asset, on attack or defense, without a definite idea of what you plan to achieve in return.

11. "Clever" plans usually fail.

12. Don't underestimate those onboard mortars.

13. Never go anywhere without machine gun cover.

14. Keep all your forces in HQ command at all times.

[ September 09, 2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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