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Should this happen ?

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Playing a PBEM on a small map.

I get an "infantry sounds" contact. The trouble is my nearest unit is hiding over 120 mtrs away.

There is 105mm arty falling all over my opponents area and I also have a Stug firing into the area.

So there is lots of noise right!

To add to this my opponents troops are 'Hiding' behind a 'Large Heavy building', to the side of the building is an area of 'Tall pines'.

So just how noisy are hiding russian infantry ? :confused:

(assuming they have left the vodka alone!)


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Actually this raises an issue I hadn't given much thought to until now. Visibility range can vary and be reduced by fog or night for example, so does "audibility" range alter depending upon the level of noise on the battlefield? If a patrol was sneaking about at night when it was relatively quiet an outpost or sentry would be more likely to hear them than if a Nebelwerfer barrage was falling in the vicinity. Does the game take account of the masking effect of loud noises over quieter ones?

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The game takes into account weather/local ambient conditions like rain, fog, and snow to mask sounds.

I am not so sure about arty and other fire, though I would think it ought to. Perhaps the fact that troops that are being hit get pinned, and pinned troops have reduced spotting capabilities is how it's modelled?

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Like LOS, we could imagine LOH (Line Of Hearing), which for example would be very "short" (u can't hear above 30m) if there is an arty barrage falling nearby.

It would be a step beyond the actual "static" management (LOH is shorter if it's raining, but has a predefined length). Maybe for the rewrite?

Wth the updated suppression model, I find you need even more suppressing fire over suspected ennemy area (marked by sound contact), thus highlighting the importance of the noise management.

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Originally posted by zukkov:

my guess is that the sounds you here are from small arms firing. that unit must be firing at one of your guys...

Well i thought about that ... however they are behind a large heavy building and also a belt of thick pines ... also my guys are hiding in a hollow in the ground ... there is absolutely no LOS ... just one of those things is suppose !


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