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Waffen-Grenadiers in place of %% in CMBB ...

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Ahem, I know that German laws are strict with Nazis things.

But why in french, and all the other versions (except Germman) , another name is placed to talk about SS ? :mad:

So why is the NKVD in the game ? :mad:

I think it's more revolting to sell games like GTA to children of 6 years than to include "SS" to averted people.

Panzer (Is it alowed to say panzer ?)Division Liebstandarte evil wearing a moustache

So I know it will be possible to change the words ; so I don't worry.

Paulus :mad:

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Umm, I think we've all been through this a couple of times now.

CDV is German, and they need to obey German restrictions, however distasteful, even when selling into France.

You, however, are a free spirit, and can apply any one of the mods/hacks that will doubtless have appeared before you got your copy, and all will be well with the world.

Or if this is too hard, ask any helpful American to post you a copy.

There is no problem. The world is not perfect, but with CMBB on the way, who cares?

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