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A question to All

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Hello Everyone:

Well tonight is a great night... I have completed all the letters of the alphabet. A thru Z baby!!! Lots of scenarios now available to everyone in the CM community. Soon i will begin on the ops!! Now here comes the question to you.

I have sent out numerous emails to all of the authors listed on the site!! 3 or 4 each... For the ones still not linked or archived i have received no response. This leads me to the following conclusions: 1) That they really do not care about my efforts or don't care if i link or archive the scenarios. 2) To lazy or busy to write me back. 3) Have not checked their email. Conclusion 2 and 3 are hard for me to believe, so thatleave me with number 1. So here is the moral question... Do i leave their scenario listed on the site? Do i delete it? Or if i have the scenarios, just archive them with out permission? Now think about this before you add feedback here.. Remember several emails over the last 2 months have been sent out to the authors. Don't you think that they could have responded by now? I will be honest with everyone here. I would like to just go ahead and link or archive all the scenarios! However, i want a group decision, one that we are all happy with. Just like when the question came up before, when everyone attacked Admiral Keth and i about the mega scenario pack. So once again i stand before the forum with the best of intentions. Do i serve the greater good by providing all the scenarios i have to the CM community or do i delete the remaining authors who have not responded? Lets get some feedback going folks! The site i am working on is for all of you so i would like some feedback..

Thanks for your time.

Spike... Out!

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First and foremost, great work on the site!

Second, I would suggest that you leave the "unsupported" scenarios on the site. However, I would further suggest that you somehow denote that you did not receive explicit permission to post them. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that anybody would have a problem with their scenario(s) being posted at your site.

I hope that helps.

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Go ahead and link to any of mine you like. I have promised you and the Admiral zip files and descriptions, but I have been quite busy (actually, I haven't received any emails from you so maybe you are not interested). If so, my scenarios are at




They are by a variety of authors. Let me know if you require anything else; three have been added as of just yesterday and I (and others) are working on more.

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Thank you i have copied down the URL's and am going to take a look here in a minute. Actually though i received an email from you on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 and you enquired about submitting your scenarios to the online form so i assumed that it was okay to post your material. Griffn Cheng never forward me any material from you though.. I do thank you for your public permission here and i will go ahead and update The Archive with your scenarios. A big thank you!


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I've got a look at your site : great work!

I have not received any email from you about my scenarios, that may be because there is a typo in my email address as listed in the "author" column of your site: the "n" of Montagu is missing.

So the correct address is Joel.montagu@wanadoo.fr

And of course yes, I'm glad to have my work listed on your site! redface.gif)

I have also an operation called "Bloody Buron" available at http://appui-feu.panzershark.com

The website is in French but the Scenario section has some scenarios and ops

such as this one available in both languages.

If I have some time this Summer, I will translate my other scenarios into

English and drop you a note to let you know... ;o)



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Actually Spike, some suggestions for what they are worth to you.

First off, I realize what a monumental effort you put into this thing, and the hard work has certainly paid off. The site is fine without changing a thing.

If you wanted to optimize, some suggestions are as follows:

I run at 1024 x 768 resolution; I think it is a fairly common setting. In order to fit everything onto the screen and eliminate scrolling, there are some things you can do -

For size, use T, S, M, L, H instead of spelling out the entire word.

For dates, use the standard military abbreviations for month and year (ie three letters and two digits ie Jun 44, Sep 44, May 45, etc.)

For type - you only have two categories, Historical or Fictional. Again, you can change this to "F" or "H" or even Fict and Hist.

I just did a test in Front Page Editor, and by doing these things, it will fit everything onto a 1024 x 768 screen. There are other things that you can do too, such as the use of colour and icons, etc. to eliminate the need to spell out words, but it is obvious you have put a lot of work into this already and it is extremely useful as is. Just a "would be nice" kinda thing to not have to scroll to see who the author is. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the suggestions.. I will consider them! I would like some further input about the scenario question i was asking about..


---Remember several emails over the last 2 months have been sent out to the authors. Don't you think that they could have responded by now? I will be honest with everyone here. I would like to just go ahead and link or archive all the scenarios! However, i want a group decision, one that we are all happy with. Just like when the question came up before, when everyone attacked Admiral Keth and i about the mega scenario pack. So once again i stand before the forum with the best of intentions. Do i serve the greater good by providing all the scenarios i have to the CM community or do i delete the remaining authors who have not responded? ---


Would anyone object to this? The authors will be given credit. The data on the scenarios they created is on the site now... All i would be doing is making the scenario available?????

Any ideas or comments????


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I think if anyone goes to the trouble of making a scenario and publishing it on a site, they are obviously putting it in the "public domain". Linking to it, to my way of thinking, does not represent any kind of infringement - you are doing them a favour. You are not stopping people from visiting their site, you are encouraging it.

Others may feel differently; looking forward to other opinions.

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I agree totally!!!! Good point, I am trying to help out all CM'ers by archiving or linking these scenarios!!! I have all the scenarios listed on my site from chengs CM database... I have received a few new scenarios.. If no one can come up with any vaild cons to me putting the missing scenarios up on the site i will do so. I just want to get a feel of what you guys think. If the scenario was in the CM Database, that means it was on a website before right?? public domain??

any other arguments?


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