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Need Playtesters for new scenario - Goya! (Revised)

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I am looking for playtesters for a new scenario I have designed. It depicts the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion's charge against Rochelinval, Belgium on January 7, 1945.

I need second opinions on the mortar situation, especially Americans. OOB called for 81mm mortars but all I could place were 81mm spotters.

Play as Americans vs German AI - and stick with scenario default for AI set-up.

If you want the scenario to try let me know; send me an email.


[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Frenchy ]

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Frenchy ]

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I now have the revised version with changes implemented based on feedback. The following changes have been made:

1. The length of the sceanrio has been changed from 40 to 30. The purpose behind this is to get the GIs across the field faster and engage the enemy.

2. Added depressions and covering terrain in the field.

3. Removed US 81mm spotters and added on field 81mm mortars.

Please note that by adding the terrain features it changes the "historical" label to "semi-historical". However the goal has not changed...the town needs to be captured.

I will be out of town until Sunday and if you want to try this revised version - post here or email me and I will send you the scenario when I get home.


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