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CMMOS basics

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Hi there,

Please have pity on a newbie to CMMOS....

Can anyone point me to an old thread where all the basics of CMMOS are explained?If not....

Do I unzip all downloaded CMMOS mod zip files into the old CMBO bmp directory or do I unzip them into the CM Mod selector directory?

Do I need to manually change the file names back to the original CMBO name e.g. 3006_us_black.bmp to 3006.bmp or does CMMOS do it for me when I select them in CMMOS?


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Dear Fubar'd

I notice you posted about 12 hours ago without a response. Sorry I can't help you either.

My cousin, who plays CM but is not on the Forum, was sent on a patrol to recon the COMMOS. Last message from him: "I can't figure this out".

That was two weeks ago.

There have been lots of posts like yours.


1. No one knows how to handle the COMMOS.

2. There are no understandable instructions at the COMMOS site.

3. Those who do know aren't telling.

4. All of the above.

Still waiting..... Toad

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I'm pretty sure Sitzkrieg answered this question in the other forum. If not, give a shout and we'll go over it in here. And if any new questions crop up, or if there is something that doesn't work or that you don't understand, yell or send us an e-mail.

For the record, what you needed to know was discussed at great length in the readme files of CMMOS, Field and Stream, Winter Wonderland, and Sound of Music. It really is a good idea to read those boring readme files from time to time.

Yes, we need to produce a guide for how to use CMMOS. But the fact of the matter is that there is so much work that always needs to be done in CMMOS, it becomes a question of setting priorities. Would I rather write a how-to guide, or finish my flag mod ? Would I rather write a guide, or set up skies and battlefield sounds in CMMOS ? And if I wrote a CMMOS guide, would anyone even bother to read it, or would it become just another readme file that no one pays attention to...?

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