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Operations not working properly

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I installed the 1.05 patch recently, and every operation that I have tried recently ends after one battle. I just tried the Team-DeSobrey Op and it ended after the first battle. There was no option to continue. It just went back to the main CM page after I looked at the results and then clicked on "ok".

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

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I havn't had that problem with 1.05, but I can tell you that many people, including me, had that problem with the Team Desorby operation (back with version 1.01).

I don't know the solution to the problem, but it may have something to do with no man's land being set to 400m(bug that was fixed in 1.04)

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In reference to my first post above:

I was playing Tean DeSobry as the Germans. After the first battle ended the debriefing screen came up and said that it was a Total Axis victory. Maybe the operation didn't continue into battles 2 - 4 because I obtained victory after the first battle. Is this possible?

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