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All quiet on the "1st Quarter" Front

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Keep checking back every once in awhile for news on the CMBB release but all I can say is that it's "quiet - too quiet" in the news section.

Even pretty quiet on this board - maybe folks think mentioning CMBB will bring bad luck and push the release date back a quarter or two.

I guess BTS is in a comfortable position. Most software companies hype their product like crazy before release. BTS hasn't hardly said a word, except for a couple of minor interviews and a couple of miserly screenshots. I guess when you have CMBO in the pedigree you can let word of mouth and reputation do the work.

I know enough not ask about release dates... well almost.... :D

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Where are you looking? Can't be the forum because here there is plenty enough news on CM:BB. BTS seems to be reluctant to let the cat out but throws enough bones to keep the wolves from getting sour and has maintained a very reasonable presence in the discussions.

- I just saw Shadows post and that is another way of putting it smile.gif

The must current time frame indicated for release of CM:BB is this summer.



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Well pretty quiet, or at least comparatively quiet.


Compared to the hype of the "mainstream" games CMBB release hype is pretty tame stuff, you do have to admit that, and the players are (again comparatively) laid back about the whole thing.

Overall I'm a patient man, CMBO still keeps me entertained, and if that fails I can let Fritz 7 beat me silly and teach me the true meaning of humility. Life couldn't be better!

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Originally posted by Fletch:

Compared to the hype of the "mainstream" games CMBB release hype is pretty tame stuff, you do have to admit that, and the players are (again comparatively) laid back about the whole thing

And thank god for that! I am thoroughly sick of hype and have been for decades. BTS by comparison is an oasis of quiet rationality....Well, I did say, "By comparison."



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