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WestWall -- Spoilers And Kudos

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Ive played the scenario westwall twice now, once as the attacker and once as the defender. Its a real hoot.

A company or so of German regulars and Volkssturm and a few schreks with 5 pillboxes (on the west wall, natch) against three allied tanks, a couple platoons of engineers, a couple platoons of troops (some vets, some regular, some green) two fts.

The map is really really fun, full of places for the defender to set up devastating ambushes, and allows the attacker to figure out how to use the terrain to keep moving forward.

It taught me some valuable lessons about the company in the attack and how to use the terrain, and gave me some real valuable instruction on using smoke.

Anyone else played this, or have some commentary on it?

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Played it against the AI as the Amis. Had a lot of fun, finally assaulted the pillboxes with my Engineers. Got to play with my FT tank too. Got the total victory, but it would be a tough sled against a human in a PBEM.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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