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Forced MacOS X boot = no CMBB?!?

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Luckily, I'm one of the people that have a spare iBook that's not updated to OS X and will be playing CMBB on that.

Unfortunately, it's just a 500Mhz G3 w/ 8MB of VRAM on an ATI Rage Mobility. Not exactly the speed demon that my dual G4 w/ GeForce 4 is.

Hopefully, CMBB will run reasonably fast on the iBook. I was going to install OS X 10.2 on the iBook (I bought the family upgrade to Jaguar), but will hold off for a while.

So how far along is CM2? Is it still just a twinkle in BTS' eye?

Has there been any talk of investigating other avenues of CMBB OS X Classic mode compatibility after the release and during the CM2 development (along the lines mentioned in this thread)?

What about a company like Westlake or The Omni Group? They specialize in making software like this work under OS X. Have they even been contacted??

[ August 23, 2002, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: karsten ]

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Michael is pointing out that CMBB is CM2 and that the rewrite of the game engine and the basis of all future CM releases is refered to as CMII. As in roman numeral 2. In the days of yore the development schedule was always represented as:


CM the Eastern Front

CMII engine rewrite

CM the Mediteranean

CM the Early war 1939 to 1941 Western Front

CMBO2 a revisit of the original using the new engine.

Among the things ruled out was the posibility of CM Pacific due to Charles and Steve not seeing the engine as being centered enough around infantry action. This has been of course debated, but I believe they are correct in primary measure due to the level of abstraction of the infantry part of this game at this level and also the terrain scale (the size of each tile and its acuity). They also were not prepared to deal with the vagaries and complexities of vehicles and water (which is among the many reasons vehicles cannot use fords). Who knows what they may wish to do for the new engine knowing what they know now. Other things nixed were modern warfare (particularly Europe) due to the scale of the maps.

Who knows, in the new engine the tile size can be reduced to give more precision/detail and more completely depict small infantry unit actions. Or they could create a hybrid that changes the scale of the maps/units and show complete squads and platoons to create what GI combat now does. I suspect they will leave that to Eric's capable hands as the scale CM utilizes (battalion/regiment level of engagement) is a nice difference from individual soldiers and unit counter scale (Allied General) where platoons of tanks are abstracted and so on.

I hope that clarifies what Michael was getting across.

Of late BFC has been stating that all the older projections for future interations are likely to change. This makes sense as they have learned alot in the process of getting to now, and it will effect where they want to be in the future. So the initial list shown above is likely to change.

Now as for the CMII engine rewrite, as several people on the board have been reiterating of late, that won't even start until after CMBB is released, cleaned up and final patched. Plus a very deserved hiatus to rest and recharge before starting a very daunting task. One can imagine Charles might wish to take on another programmer as well. In any case we will have to enjoy CMBB and CMBO in the current iterations for the next two to three years.

BFC will continue to develop/produce other products with other developers (most of which I suspect will be MSW only) to keep money rolling in and wargamers satisfied. The CM products are clearly only one arm of a larger company that needs the balance of multiple products to survive.

All statements in this post are my own opinions and are based on my own recollections which may be faulty and in no way represent the future actions of others. :D

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Originally posted by karsten:

I thought CM2 was the version coming after CMBB - the one that's going to have the re-write of the graphics engine...

No, on this board that is referred to as CMII (notice the Roman numerals). That's not official, but it does help to prevent confusion. Alternatively, I suppose you could refer to it as CM3 as that will be the game that embodies the rewrite, but I personally would not use that when specifically adressing the engine rewrite.

Let state once again, that writing (at least of the type that appears on this board) should strive to be as clear and unambiguous as possible. The reason being that when clarity fails, misinterpretations and misunderstandings proliferate. This can and does sometimes lead to quite needless flame wars and pissing contests, when neither participant set out to engage in one.

[Oops! I wrote this before I read Karl's post, and am largely just restating what he wrote. But I thought I'd let it stand because I wanted to make the point of the second paragraph.]


[ August 24, 2002, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by karsten:

Luckily, I'm one of the people that have a spare iBook that's not updated to OS X and will be playing CMBB on that.

Unfortunately, it's just a 500Mhz G3 w/ 8MB of VRAM on an ATI Rage Mobility. Not exactly the speed demon that my dual G4 w/ GeForce 4 is.

Hopefully, CMBB will run reasonably fast on the iBook. I was going to install OS X 10.2 on the iBook (I bought the family upgrade to Jaguar), but will hold off for a while.

Don't worry about updating the iBook to 10.2 -- it won't prevent you from booting into OS9.

I used to play CM on my G3/400 Powerbook, with the same Rage Mobility card as your iBook. The performance is passible. I certainly prefer playing it on the G4/450 Cube. Although the Cube has essentially the same Rage 128 card as the Powerbook, the overall performance is clearly better. I've considering upgrading the video card in the Cube, but I can't justify either the price or (even more importantly) adding a fan to the Cube.

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