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Gewer 43

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Will this not quite so common rife be moddeld in CMBB?

I understand that very rare Brumbar i think it is will be modeled and i think there were more of the Gewer 43 rifles produced and used then some of the vehicles in the game, and since it is a tactical combat game, wich in essense is central to infantry, the rifle should be modeled. Thats just my opinion, and it's just a thought.

[ June 25, 2002, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: DarthMaul ]

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It was my knowledge that the Gewer 43 was only issued to snipers, and never made it into general service in large enough numbers to make a difference. IIRC, the German attempt to create a semi-auto rifle to counter the Garand resulted in many reliability issues, so infantry use of the 98k continued.

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To Capt Wacky - I don't think that is right. Yes, the G41 and G43 semiautos were rare compared to bolt action Mausers. There were about half a million of them made, vs. more than 11 million of the bolt actions - they were about 4% of the rifles. (Stats from the Panzerfaust site, by way of Google's cache since it seems not to be there anymore).

The early G41 did have reliability problems because of design mistakes, but the G43 corrected those and was a perfectly serviceable weapon. 400K of those were made, about as many as of the MP44 assault rifle, which no one would dream of not modeling.

They were not issued only to snipers, either. About 1/8 of them were (~50K). The majority of sniper rifles were K98s; the split there was about 70-30 K98 vs. G43. So yes, the G43s were overrepresented among sniper weapons - 30% of them compared to 4% of all rifles - but most of them (7/8) went to ordinary infantrymen.

The real issue would be numbers and rariety. In a typical rifle company you'd only expect 2 of them if they were distributed randomly. In reality some units would have a significant portion of them but most would have none. Perhaps an additional "Rifle 44" infantry type could be added with 3 G43s and 3 K98s per squad, instead of 6 K98s.

But the difference would be marginal. You get reasonably large effects from M-1s vs. K98s only because there are 9-10 of the former per squad. Just bumping 3 K98s to the same fp ratings as the M-1 would add 19-5-0-0 to squad firepower. That is less of a difference than security infantry with one extra SMG, which gives 30-4-(2)-(1) - trivial reductions at long range, a slighter larger add at point blank. Or the one MP44 of Rifle 45, or SS Rifle types.

So, if you want to simulate what squads with a few G43s would do better than squads with all K98s, just use SS Rifle or Security infantry. Not as neato as modeling the G43, I realise. The point is it would only be a difference that big, because the number of weapons would be small and the improvement over the K98 is also relatively small.

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JasonC, the Panzerfaust site is still there. But geocities sinca about a year ago is continually reducing the bandwith allocated to free sites. I get about one "you exceeded your data transferlimit and therefore your site is shut down for x amount of time" every two to three days nowadays.

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