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Due to work commitments i have no longer the time to spare to maintain the COMBAT MISSIONS ops & scenario site. There are plenty of other scenario sites out there and i hope it won't be missed.

I recommend the CM-HQ scenario depot for submitting new scenarios. It has an excellent rating system (something i couldn't do on my site due to scripting restrictions), and is very well known throughout the CM community.

Thanks to everyone who submitted files to the site and i hope the site provided you with some sort of service whilst it lasted.


COMBAT MISSIONS - ONCE the source for CM OPs & Scenarios smile.gif

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Thanks to everyone who has replied to this posting. The hard work was done by the scenario authors (i just published them) and i'm sure other sites will continue to provide them just how i use'd to. I may return at a later date, time permitting, (i have no intentions of abandoning CM - the best wargame i have ever played!!) but if and when i do come back (time permitting), it will be something completely different to what i did before.

Once again thanks to all the authors who submitted and thanks to everyone who enjoyed the site!.

MANX : OVER, but not out!

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