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3-D Lighting Effects

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I am sure this has been brought up before, but a quick search of old threads didnt show up anything, so I'll ask and perhaps someone will have an answer.

My question revolves around 3-d lighting to help me better visualize the terrain.

As it exists in CMBO, the lower the terrain, the 'darker' it appears. I suppose this works for many, but I find it difficult to distinguish the height differences using this method. Especially when I am trying to send my tanks to 'hull-down' positions, or simply trying to read the battlefield from a distance.

Since we are using a 3-D engine, is it not possible to use reflective lighting/shadows to describe the layout of the land or topography?

Since I am not a programmer, I dont know the limiations, but as an otherwise satisfied CM gamer, I dont think it would be unreasonable to consider for some future iteration of the CM series.

Anyone seen or heard anything on this subject??

Thanks in advance.


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There are some mods that have a higher contrast on the color gradations between levels, that would be your best bet if you're really having a problem.

The graphics engine that CMBO & CMBB use isn't designed to provide the type of lighting detail that you're looking for. Something may go into the engine rewrite (CMII - the next project after CMBB), but it may not have all the lighting features of many FPS games. There are far more details to light in a game with a large open area with many units, so anything that gets implemented could be a drain on graphics resources.

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