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General Yemerenko (sp?) and TYPHOON . . .


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I was reading in Stalingrad (by Beevor) about the launch of operation Typhoon. The renewed push to capture Moscow.

The book quickly breezes over a seemingly dramatic bit where it states the Russian general Yemerenko (sp?) had narrowly avoided capture by German tanks while Russian units were being encircled.

Also, he was wounded and had to be flown out of the combat area.

This could be a fun little scenario to create in CM:BB and I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to point me to a worthy tome that could shed some light on the aforementioned incident.

Forces involved, OOB's, etc.

YEMERENKO's ESCAPE! heh heh. smile.gif



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I did a quick search of the web to see what I could come up with. I couldn't find anything on your general. Maybe you got the spelling of his name wrong?

Anyway, I found a site with some nice maps for Operation Typhoon: http://www.serpukhov.su/dima/war/eng/ebattle.htm

Also, I found a page with an interesting bibliography on the battle for Moscow: http://members.tripod.com/~LCoat/mosatdes.htm

Also, check the home page of that last site - it offers free WW2 boardgames that you can download and print out... smile.gif

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