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Trouble with CMBB demo

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Originally posted by SATCOM_Ranger:

I can't unpack the CMBB demo for Mac 9.x with StuffitExpander 6.0.1. It keeps saying the archive is corrupt.

IME when Stuffit says it's corrupt, it dang well is.
I've downloaded it several times.
Then that's a very good indication that your browser is not kosher with the ".bin" data stream, which is Macintosh binary.

Is there an alternate download site?

Do I need to update my Stuffit Expander?

I would much sooner switch downloading methods to a dedicated FTP program; *especially* one which can 'pick up where it left off', so if your connection breaks you're not hosed... I use 'Anarchie Pro 3.5', as sweet as it needs to be; there are others. Goto "MacOrchard.com" (I think?) for a list of shareware/otherware ftp and every web thing you could imagine for Mac...


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