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Full game good?

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Just ordered CMBB and wanted to know everyones first impressions with the full game?

Also I am a sucker for a good manual and the trend is for PDF files (that really really stinks) so any words on the manual would be nice.


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It's hard to judge sometimes going by the discussions on here (reaction is a little more subdued than the raction to CMBO was) but after 4 days of extensive play I can say without hesitation that the game is remarkable. Totally fun, hard to stop once you start, one-mre-turn syndrome every night until it's 3-4 in the morning and you realize you'll be a wreck the next day if you don't get some sleep.

Improvements across the board from CMBO - I wouldn't even know where to start (better graphics, better commands, MORE STUFF!, great battles on the CD).

One little comment if you already play CMBO, you'll find that maybe gameplay is quite a bit slower, you'll end up spending a half-scenario just suppressing an enemy without moving very much, just so you can get the position to crack on the last few turns. No more B-movie runs accross half the map to take out a MG in 1 turn. Your troops will appear to break a lot more easily than in CMBO _if_ you played CMBO carelessly and got away with it all these 2 years.

If you grew up on Squad Leader, you'll be _very_ pleased.

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Thanks for the replies folks. You guys and gals are the best!

I do have CMBO and love it so its nice to hear that CMBB is better.

I do find that I spend alot of time looking where to place my units in CMBO so that should be a natural progression in CMBB.

PeterK you really nailed it so thanks for a great post,

Bruce Young

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(checks profile)

Ah, so you're in Ohio -- then you can order the BFC version and get the full manual (which, if you were elsewhere and ordered the CDV version, would be extra -- the paper version, anyway. Apparently has to do with the DVD-size packaging now common in the EU, or somefink like that). 'tis good, and some 262 pages describing much of the game (but, as with CMBO, not the units or weapon details -- /that/ would take a lot of paper, methinks).

And the game -- well, the improvements are /good/. Air support is no longer generic, MGs suppress a heck of a lot more, pinned units actually act pinned, arty now can do prep barrages... it's quite a bit better.

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> PeterK you really nailed it so thanks for a

> great post,

My pleasure.

If you spend lots of time on set-ups, you'll really love the covered arcs in CMBB. Finally, units on defensive stance won't blow their cover shooting at some nothing unit a 1000 meters away. You can tell them where to look for targets, what area to cover and whn to start shooting. Placing MGs and tanks on defense becomes the art form it should be.

Oh, and if you like longer operations, they appear to actually work way better in the new game. Units will be cut-off and stuck behind enemy lines without resupply. Front-line calculation between battles seems to be spot on. The AI seems to have more of a clue how to play operations properly now too.

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