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Magnuzew Bridgehead....a critique

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I have just finished playing this opertation as a PBEM (boy, what an epic session that was :D ), and I have a few suggestions, questions, and general comments....

Firstly, I got my arse handed to me on a plate as the Soviet defender...was this operation intended to be balanced (it did suggest 2 player in the briefing)?? If not, fair enough. If so, I must have been overmatched by a large margin!! :D

Possibly the biggest factor in my defeat was thick fog during the first phase (at dawn)...the Germans were able to penatrate my defences without me being able to engage them (The soviets had several light guns, AT rifles, and light tanks...the germans advance with recon vehicles). This forced the front line back to the final two flags by the end of the first phase....the lead elements paid for their reckless advance when the fog lifted, but by then the german infantry and armour was all over my positions...from that moment on it was a desperate battle to gain a many points as possible to prevent a total defeat...I even tried attacking at night with infantry to try and whittle down the huge number of half tracks the germans had...

In short, I think I had the short end of the stick, due to the weather...(not the designers fault..just dumb luck...

My suggestion...add more room around the outside of the map...my forces where constantly jammed up against the map edge, with no room for manouver...sure, I wouldn't have needed extra room if I was a better player... ;)

While I got beaten in a most terrible fashion, it was quite enjoyable, but would have been more so if I had room to manouver.

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I didn't see anything in the briefing stating it was a 2-player scenario only, but it WAS absurdly easy as the Germans against the AI (I took the HG division because I thought it would be more difficult to attack an AI defender instead of vice versa). After the 3rd battle I quit, and saw I'd inflicted 457 casualties and killed 17 AFVs along with 2 ATGs in exchange for 1 Tank, 1 Puma, 1 75 mm Pak, some SPWs and about 40 infantry.

In regards to difficulties playing as the Soviets, I may be wrong, but I think you'd want LOS to be really shortened. German optics mean any Soviet tanks will be absolutely butchered in LR exchanges of fire. Plus, the penetration values of the Russian 45mm ATG are really poor. You need to tackle the Krauts with PB fire to get anywhere. I'm playing against a friend right now (as the Soviets), and the only way to preserve my SU-85s and T-34s has been to keep them hidden until the last minute (or at least severely restrict their fields of fire/exposure). Damn steppes. Damn King Tigers (grumble grumble).

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Yeah...I'm playing against the AI now....as the Soviets...I'm doing a lot better this time (the AI isn't as competent as Malakovski was...). Very short LOS is a two edged sword in this Op....with out good LOS, I couln't not get any intel on the german forces at all...hard to hit and run, when you don't where are what to hit :D Thankfully, this time around I was able to stop the recon advance, and give myself more time...good LOS was needed to do that. But Going head to head with Panthers and Tigers at ranges over 500m is next to impossible...and there is only just enough room to manouver...

I think this is one Op that is heavily in favour of the Germans...not a bad thing, just wish I had some idea before I got pounded into the dirt :D

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Yep. Lot harder as the Soviets. I continued my solo play attempt and in the middle of battle #5 said "this is ri-dik-u-lus" and surrendered just to see what kind of damage had been done to the AI. As the Germans, I had lost a handful of SPWs, a Tiger, a JagPanther, a Puma, a 75mm Pak and a Panzer IIIF. About 40 grenadiers bit the dust (it was neat seeing how platoons rotated to the rear gradually began to come back to strength as lightly wounded soldiers came back). Anyway , the AI lost 23 AFVs (T-34s, IS-2s, SU-85s and T-70s, 3 ATGs and 775 casualties with 347 KIA.

JEEZ. I'm no Guderian, either. I just worked under the assumption that in the open steppes, German crews would prefer good fields of fire over cover, and use their mass fire to wipe out any resistance. And it worked.

As a single player experience, it must be a lot more fun as the Soviets, and as a two-player scenario, it's great. But I think the briefing maybe should have stated it's a good bit easier as the HG Panzer Division.

p.s. -- I like seeing that unit included in the game smile.gif Interesting history, and nicely equipped. Maybe someone with more design skills than me could do something regarding its battles around Warsaw and East Prussia?

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I thought that the scenario DID say it was better as the Soviets. Either way, I picked the soviets vs. the AI, and it was real fun. I managed a Draw.

The major thing that saved me was their second Tiger II got bogged in scattered trees. Otherwise, it would have been all over.

The fight for the first town was one of the most epic battles I've ever seen in the game. It was house to house with everything burning, and my hidden AFVs opening up on Panzers. One complete wheatfield was on fire.

The other thing that saved me was that one of my Maxim's went (absolutely HAD to) have gon FANATIC for long stretches of time. He was in a house in good cover. A Tiger II destroyed the house. He continued to fire from the rubble for some time, holding up the half-tracks. it was impressive. He eventually was captured, but I was glad he was alive in any case! What's the Soviet version of the Iron Cross? He should have received it!!

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