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"station" unbalanced?

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I thought I would hear some opinions on this - perhaps I just need to develop my skills.

Warning: *** Scenario spoilers ahead ***

I recently played "station" by McAuliffe for the second time as German vs. a human opponent (pbem, same opponent). The first time I lost rather quickly, having no tanks left (due to a combination of bad play and bad luck). The second time I managed to exit one Panther and three halftracks (two with passengers), and hold on to all the victory locations along the exit route by the station. This gave an Allied major victory. It was fun to play, even with the loss, but I sincerely doubt that this scenario can be won by the Germans (except perhaps if played against the AI).

The Germans are up against two infantry companies and two tank platoons with some support, in particular 4 guns. They have themselves 2KT's, 4 Panthers (IIRC), roughly one infantry company in halftracks and one without, plus some support. The Germans have a slight edge materialwise, and probably more pointwise, but they have to move their troops across the map end exit on the other side in terrain that is easily defended.

So, I'm asking those of you who have played it, and ofc. the author himself, if you have had the same experience of imbalance? And, if not, how did you manage a German win?

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I played this scenario as the German against Capitalistdoginchina. I lost, but had a blast. He then tried it as the German against another oponent, and also lost. I haven't spoken to anyone who has won as the German. It sounds like you came very close. I still loved it!!! John

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Played once as Allies in PBEM, Allied minor I think. I had a blast playing the infantry defender as most of my tanks were hidden away. Finished with maybe one platoon of effective infantry (if you put them all together smile.gif)

Played against the computer as the Germans, pushed a huge column along the upper dirt road, which the AI left practically undefended. Had a big fight when I came down from the road and tried to turn back onto the main road to the exit. Lost 1 KT and a Panther and some halftracks, in exchange for most of the American armor. Exited a couple of halftracks, and several complete platoons, but the tanks were hung up or immobilized and ran out of time. Finished as an Allied tactical I think.

The scenery is awesome, but it is quite a challenge for the German player. It needs at least 5 more turns added to the time, and probably a choice made between the exit conditions or the flags on the field. One or the other. Personally I would remove the exit conditions (never work for me anyways) and replace with 3-4 big flags at the previous exit point.


You see my orders were, "Don’t open fire unless we’re getting heavy fire from the pillboxes on the river". Well, it turned out that heavy fire to me and heavy fire to that lieutenant from the antiaircraft platoon, who never had been on the front-line in his life, was quite different.

Gen. DuPuy, 9th Infantry Division, crossing the Siegfried Line

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

I think it is not possible for the Germans to win when playing a human opponent in this scenario. Against the AI it is possible, but against a good pbem player no way.

When i played as Axis i was unable to exit even one unit even though i had played before and i knew roughly where the 90mm and 57mm AT guns would be. All my halftracks had run out of MG ammo and mortar ammo yet i could not get past the infantry. I still had the allied tanks to contend with but it was all over. When i played as allies my opponent also could not exit even one unit. I still had about 4 tanks and a company of troops in reserve who had not even fired a shot when all the Axis armour and infantry had been eliminated.

I think that the addition of one more road would help so that the axis have more options to reach the end of the map. As it is there are only 2 possible exit roads - and the entire route is ambush country. It would also help if the axis had more infantry.

Having said that it is a great scenario - lovely map and interesting units to use. I really enjoyed both games i played.

Tip - don't play as Axis if you are playing a ladder game frown.gif



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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