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Has anyone put together a "primer" for CMBB modding?

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I just picked up a wacom tablet and have a bit of photshop experience. I've enjoyed scale modelling german armor for the last year or so and thought I might give Modding a try. I'm wondering if anyone has put together a "How To" guide to modding in cmbb? (I've spent a few minutes messing around with a PZII H and have gotten some realistic results...IMHO) Any advice or direction would be appreciated!


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Originally posted by Scooby2003:

I just picked up a wacom tablet and have a bit of photshop experience. I've enjoyed scale modelling german armor for the last year or so and thought I might give Modding a try. I'm wondering if anyone has put together a "How To" guide to modding in cmbb? (I've spent a few minutes messing around with a PZII H and have gotten some realistic results...IMHO) Any advice or direction would be appreciated!


there are several sites that exist only for acquiring cm mods, posting cm mods, and living a cm mod-el life. -g-\

one that i belive does have some info on 'how to' is here -----> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pawbroon/

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