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Catalyst 3.1 + 4Xfsaa , CMBB 1.02 loses scenario lists :(


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Hello there.

I just installed CMBB 1.02 US version to my computer and was quite shocked when I fistly opened up the game. There was no version number in lower corner. When I hitted the scenarios button there were no scenarios!!

Just empty list with nationality flags normally. Well I panicked a bit but then started mess with ATI settings. I had just installed catalyst 3.1 drivers which are btw really good. I disabled anistropihic filtering. no go. Then disabled FSAA bang scenario texts were back.

Mayby somebody could tell if this is ATI:s or Battlefronts problem? Since with 1.01 and catalysts 2.5 FSAA worked ok with cmbb.

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It looks like ATI has taken a page out of NVidia's driver coding. They probably have the same bug now with their FSAA routines.

It is a problem with the video drivers and not CMBB 1.02 (or any of the previous versions). CM just uses a combination of DirectX calls that causes problems with the white text and the FSAA routines of NVidia and now ATI. They'll both need to fix their drivers (NVidia's was 'fixed' with earlier drivers and then re-broken).

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Then care to explain how earlier drivers for both video chips work fine and then the latest ones are broken again ? Do you believe the v. 1.02 broke these drivers ?

Both companies are doing a lot of development on FSAA performance and other features. This often leads to the 'breaking' of certain combinations of graphical API routines. It takes a very small error to cause such problems. On top of this is the matter that the driver code may be functioning fine, but it has problems with combinations or queueing of certain API calls. These combinations or queueings can drastically vary from title to title. This leaves the driver developers looking at major titles to QA their drivers. Minor titles like CM probably don't get looked at until the game developer notifies the driver developer of the problem (or there's a vocal enough community of players who can impress the driver developer's PR people that it's an 'issue'). In the scheme of things, the problems that CM experiences with video drivers is fairly minor (though annoying).

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It is odd that the ONLY games I have problems with are CMBO and CMBB and I play A LOT of different games. Hummm... anyway.

Since it seems unlikely that neither ATI nor nVidia are going to fix "their" driver issues. Is there anything that can be done with the code, as a workaround, to correct the graphics problems.

Has any effort been made, short of saying "The drivers are broken?"

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And I wouldn't be surprised if all the other titles that you play are retail and thus they may get checked in some QA processes with the driver developers. I'm sure if you look at the support boards you'll often see all sorts of complaints for each title when it comes to graphic driver problems. BTS/BFC are not alone in having problems with certain drivers. One set may work/look great with one title, but crash or look crappy with another.

The solution is to go back to the earlier drivers. There are workarounds for the current drivers, but if that is too annoying then go back to a set that works (30.82/30.87 for NVidia or 3.0 or 2.3 for ATI).

I'm sure because fog doesn't work on ATI cards it's BTS/BFC's fault because ATI doesn't support fog-tables/particle fog.

NVidia has fixed the problem in the past (witness the 28.xx/29.xx/30.xx drivers), just to break them again with the same problem. So one of the driver development teams might be able to go back and address this issue (if it doesn't severely compromise their last tweaks to FSAA or other features).

I can play CM with no problems with several NVidia cards using the 29.xx/30.xx drivers. If you insist on upgrading your drivers all the time, then you're undoubtedly going to run into problems. Unless you're having problems, a driver upgrade is not necessarily going to improve your setup. Often bugs can get fixed, but with the large amount of changes that NVidia and ATI incorporate into their drivers you'll find that a lot of things get broken every so often.

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I'm curious... do you know, off the top of your head, of another game that was so affected by nVidia's transition from 30 series to 40 series?

Of course other games have graphics issues I'm not denying that. It's just that I've seen two issues (white text & FSAA) that neither Battlefront nor nVidia seem willing to address. OK the white text issues seems to be gone but it took a while for nVidia to fix it.

As you correctly stated there are solutions. Using outdated drivers or ALT-TAB'ing, the latter of the two is quite simple and effective. I'm just wondering if something could be done by the developers to address the issue, since the graphics card manufactures seem to ingnore our cries for help.

Are the game's developers at the mercy of nVidia and ATI or is it simply that it would take so much work and run the risk of breaking something else in the process?

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Of course you could Alt-Tab with the Nvidia 40 series drivers to get full-screen AA to work. But if you have the Microsoft XP OS, CM will result in a black screen if Alt-Tabbed after applying one of the numerous XP patches. What's more, if you have DX 9 installed, then Nvidia's 40 series is the only way to go. Bye Bye 30 series...

In my case, since I don't want to "unplug" holes in XP that Microsoft has fixed, I'm not willing to uninstall the XP fix so that I can Alt-Tab in CM. Furthermore, I have DX 9 installed so I have to use the 40 series drivers (these are required for DX 9 compatability.) Thus, until Nvidia fixes their Detonator drivers, I cannot use AA. All the previous work-arounds to get AA working on my machine no longer work. <sigh>

Too bad Radeon users are in the same boat.

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