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CMMOS and Macs?

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No, I'm sorry to say that this isn't the announcement of CMMOS support on Macintosh.

I'd like to know if anyone has tried running CMMOS under Virtual PC on a Mac?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled kvetching and whining.



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Unfortunately even the newest version of VPC (5) cannot handle even a mid-range processor intensive game adequately. It has never been designed for gaming and is not a viable solution for such, I have certainly tried! :mad:

I would be happy to test if I knew it could handle anything over a game of pong or solitaire ;) Which leads me to state that as an ardent Mac user and CM player/modslut, if CMMOS is not going to ported I can live with that, however, please release the mods in "plain-packs" for us! I cannot wait to add these to my game, "highly anticipated" is an understatement, I MUST have at them, and SOON! :D

Thanks for the hard work and addressing concern for the Mac CM community.

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Unfortunately even the newest version of VPC (5) cannot handle even a mid-range processor intensive game adequately. It has never been designed for gaming and is not a viable solution for such, I have certainly tried! :mad:

I would be happy to test if I knew it could handle anything over a game of pong or solitaire ;) Which leads me to state that as an ardent Mac user and CM player/modslut, if CMMOS is not going to ported I can live with that, however, please release the mods in "plain-packs" for us! I cannot wait to add these to my game, "highly anticipated" is an understatement, I MUST have at them, and SOON! :D

Thanks for the hard work and addressing concern for the Mac CM community.

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Well there might still be hope as all CMMOS really does is file manipulation, and there's less stringent "realtime" requirements than a game. The problem with creating both CMMOS and "plain-pack" versions of mods is, of course, that of space constraints. Most CMMOS mods can be used as plain packs with some file renaming.

For the massive whitewashed vehicle mods (approximately 130 MB total), I am investigating supplying plain-pack versions.

Of course I'm still willing to work with anyone who wants to port CMMOS to the Mac, the only problem is that the few folks who have talked to me about have had to cancel their plans for various reasons.


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