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Are Bilton's Campaign Rules on the net somewhere?

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From what I know is that the latest rules are still "beta". Since you emailed him, he will most likely email the current version of the rules to you. Once the rules are more finalized he will probably try and find a more permanent home.

Rob W

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Right you are Rob - I will drive a webmaster crazy with an update every second day. I've still got some work to do, before it's ready for publishing - learning from the guys above ;)

1) An intro: selling the concept and explaining how it all hangs together (started on that already)

2) An example battle generation

The logical structure; modifiers and 99% of the rules seem to be fine... the few questions that I still get, has all to do with rule clarification here and there and the Intro Doc should sort that out... Hopefully by the end of the week-end...

3) Then I'll need it checked for spelling & grammer (this funny illogical language is my second language - I'm Afrikaans)

4) Then only - look for a friendly webmaster...

So if you want to give it a go... e-mail me, I'll send it along


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Thanx a lot guys - I'll take you up on it smile.gif

Like to have a reasonably finished product before I do that though... Hope to have the intro doc complete by this week-end sometime, then I'll send it along.

BTW Vils - tried to have a look at your site, but couldn't get in... Also tried to have a look at your directory via Leechftp - same result - server down?

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Originally posted by Biltong:

Thanx a lot guys - I'll take you up on it smile.gif

Like to have a reasonably finished product before I do that though... Hope to have the intro doc complete by this week-end sometime, then I'll send it along.

BTW Vils - tried to have a look at your site, but couldn't get in... Also tried to have a look at your directory via Leechftp - same result - server down?

No, but webhost changed today, so there is a new url acually smile.gif

LeechFtp requires 2 connections at the same ip adress, and that might get it troubled. If you use WS Ftp it should work.

However, you could happily send it to my emailadress c m b b swe@dataphone.se (with no spaces).


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