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Operations and Scenarios

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I just for the first time started an Operation game with a friend of mine tcp/ip. I had nver played any of the scenarios or operations, only quick battles against people.

I am realy impressed with these so far! I will not bother to play a quick battle again with all these great maps and missions to play from!

I'd like ot give a pre-emptive thanks to all the Scenario designers out there because iw ill be downloading a bunch of thm in the near future.

Does anyone create Operations? Or is that not an option, i was just wondering because eventualy i'll try my hand at making some Scenarios.

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Operations are scenarios, but not all scenarios are operations...this is a minor pet peeve of mine.

Scenarios refers collectively to the two types of game in Combat Mission - Battles and Operations.

Yes, you can use the editor to create Operations. Tough to do one well because of the paucity of information available to designers, though.

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At least someone here has to use that large oxygen-sucking organ known as a brain.

If you happened to have opened the editor, you would have noticed the nice, large "New Operation" button. Hint: it is in the top row, 2nd from the left.

If you cannot figure out how to open the editor, one gets there by clicking on the "Create Scenario" button on the main screen in CMBO. It would be the top one in the right column.


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