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Fire main weapon: Yes or No?

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As you all know, in both CM games a tank that fires at infantry is given the menu choice of firing the main gun or the MG. In CMBO I almost always chose main gun due to its heavy blast having more effect than wimpy CMBO MGs. (Exceptions were units with 20mm at close range where I might choose to use MG fire.)

With the advent of improved MG effects in CMBB, how many of you will have to stop and think about this choice when firing?

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Take it from me, in the early war stuff infantry seem to dislike tank mgs MUCH more than those wimpy 37mm pop-guns.

And on the flip-side, when you realise just how few 122mm rounds an IS-2 carrys you'll be doing everything you can think of to conserve your main gun ammo!


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Normally when I want to supress/kill a specific soft target I would say Yes for main gun. Otherwise I would target with N(ext) instead of T(arget). Reason for this in CMBO is "target fixation". If this applies to CMBB I don't know yet.

I would like to hear if anything's been changed since CMBO for manual targetting causing "target fixation"?

That is when targetting manually with T unit would ignore other threats for too long period of time. Also ammo consumption would be higher than normally.

- Is manual targetting getting too fixated anymore ie. does unit's TacAI change target faster if necessary?

- Is N(ext) command using less main gun ammo than T(arget)?

- Is there any way to tell to tank to shoot HE on specific target but not to waste all of it's ammo there (like telling "don't shoot with full ROF but slower")?


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