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Message from the new guy

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There is a mod out there (somewhere) that replaces the normal men's faces for the infantry with cute little hamster "faces". German infantry thus becomes "hamstertruppen". It is a reasonably old joke around here. Some still find it screamingly funny.

Some like to pit hamstertruppen against 8 inch artillery barrages. Routed hamstertruppen have been known to run around the field in silly ways. Being overrun by hamstertruppen, on the other hand, can be a humiliating experience. Your mileage may vary...

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WHAT! Hate Hampsters?!?!

Why the Hampstersturmtruppen were some of the finest troops in der vorld. Its all a lie about them vhat zay say you know. Zay ver zess following orders. Given a vheel und a vater bowl vhat vould you have done, uh huh zee dere.

Strange aye. Hehe, obvariously you have not yet visited the MBT. You should waltz in, er ah, visit that thread and give em all a big howdy-dee-do.


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