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Bruyeres score?

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just curious to know how others scored in this scenerio. i played as the allies, full FOW, no advantage either side, stick to default setup. scored a tac. victory with 81 casualities allies, 142 cas. germ. moral was 59% for allies at games end.

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thanks Wild Bill. it really pains me to see and take causualities. i sometimes feel like these really are my boys. i even pulled back from the hill to some scattered trees around turn 12 just to save my men from the slaughter. i only left the CPL. and his mg there to try and follow history.

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  • 1 month later...


I played this last night and found it to be a great, tense, defensive mission. Won a Major victory with only 10 fatalities and (I think) a 79 prob-of-victory (or is it morale?) after all 15 turns. I wish I could remember all the numbers but my fatalities, soldiers unharmed (OK) and -- to a lesser extent -- injuries were a satisfyingly small fraction of the opposition's even after a really tough fight. The highlights of the mission were:

- Seeing my guys on the forward left flank holding off the surge for almost fourteen turns until finally broken. Admittedly, the minefield helps but they were also flanked from the center. The Hide command is a big deal for the survivability of your troops here.

- Keeping all my units under positive C & C.

- Utilizing my bazooka teams sufficiently to take out all the German vehicles within three turns even as the enemy infantry over-ran my right forward position and advanced onto the hill in the center.

- Getting my Arty spotter to call in accurate enough fire that this enemy advance down the center was virtually stopped in its tracks by turn 6/7.

- Getting 2 infantry platoons into the houses to the far right just in time to see 2 Veteran German units conducting a flanking maneuver that would have been disastrous if I had not spotted it and had a tightly co-ordinated unit in place to hold it off until the reinforcements arrived.

- Keeping my M8 alive

- The timing of the reinforcements was brilliant mission balance and design

- Ditto the appearance of a phantom German tank (sound contact) that lured me into getting my infantry and MG teams all riled up for nothing...

- Only then to have to deal with a real tank which finally made it through the minefield to the left. I rolled my M8 fast across my own front lines, turret rotated forward, and took him out just in time. When I replayed the turn I came out the worst, a tribute to this game's amazing dynamic AI. This and the final rout of the German vets on the close right flank sealed the deal.

Care to share your highlights?

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I always enjoy a game where I feel my losses, personally. The ones where you lose 70 tanks and 1,000 men in a turn seem very impersonal.

When I groan over the loss of a squad, or a single tank, now I can really get into that!

It becomes a personal battle with men out there, fighting under my command, not just a bunch of stats. One of the great qualities of CM!

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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  • 1 year later...

not that i know what i'm talking about...

********SPOILER FOLLOWS**********

(I also posted this reply in another topic) i'm a newbie too. on the first turn of bruyeres, i ran platoon b into 2 of the 4 buildings to the right of the right minor objective. i also ran up the m8 hull down behind the left minor objective and put platoon c in the row of houses to the rear of the right minor objective.

platoon b got inside just before the germans showed up. the M1919 and bazooka were overrun, but platoon b held. i then wide-targeted my 105 spotter on the right minor objective.

what i had was a funnel of death, where troops that tried to occupy the right minor objective were in a crossfire between platoons b and d, plus 105 arty. as long as platoons b and d held, germans were funneled between them. the few that tried to advance any further than the overrun objective ran into platoon c.

when reinforcements showed up, i put platoon f in platoon c's buildings and ran up platoon c to reinforce platoon b. but mostly, i just sat back and watched the meat grinder grind away. in addition to the m1919 and bazooka, i lost one of platoon b's squads. i could have retaken the overrun objective at any time in the last few turns (with either platoon c or f), but i settled for a major victory.

hope that helped.

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Hi awol,

You know you could have posted a new Bruyeres AAR thread, instead of digging up two old threads and posting once in each of them... That way people can get to the gist of what you're saying without having to sift through a bunch of posts from two years ago...



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