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  1. hi. i have a hard time judging elevation in cm:bo. my friend told me there were skins available at battlefront.com that have topographical lines indicating elevation. i looked in downloads, resources, products and support, but couldn't find them. can anybody lead me in the right direction?
  2. they way i see it, the manual was pretty clear about discrepancies in intelligence. the manual said that the intel in the briefings can range from right on to quite wrong. i think a single unexpected panzer iv is perfectly consistent with the manual.
  3. not that i know what i'm talking about... ********SPOILER FOLLOWS********** (I also posted this reply in another topic) i'm a newbie too. on the first turn of bruyeres, i ran platoon b into 2 of the 4 buildings to the right of the right minor objective. i also ran up the m8 hull down behind the left minor objective and put platoon c in the row of houses to the rear of the right minor objective. platoon b got inside just before the germans showed up. the M1919 and bazooka were overrun, but platoon b held. i then wide-targeted my 105 spotter on the right minor objective. what i had was a funnel of death, where troops that tried to occupy the right minor objective were in a crossfire between platoons b and d, plus 105 arty. as long as platoons b and d held, germans were funneled between them. the few that tried to advance any further than the overrun objective ran into platoon c. when reinforcements showed up, i put platoon f in platoon c's buildings and ran up platoon c to reinforce platoon b. but mostly, i just sat back and watched the meat grinder grind away. in addition to the m1919 and bazooka, i lost one of platoon b's squads. i could have retaken the overrun objective at any time in the last few turns (with either platoon c or f), but i settled for a major victory. hope that helped.
  4. not that i know what i'm talking about... i'm a newbie too. on the first turn of bruyeres, i ran platoon b into 2 of the 4 buildings to the right of the right minor objective. i also ran up the m8 hull down behind the left minor objective and put platoon c in the row of houses facing the right minor objective. platoon b got inside just before the germans showed up. the M1919 and bazooka were overrun, but platoon b held. i then wide-targeted my 105 spotter on the right minor objective. what i had was a funnel of death, where troops that tried to occupy the right minor objective were in a crossfire between platoons b and d, plus 105 suppression. as long as platoons b and d held, germans were funneled between them. any that tried to advance any further than the overrun objective ran into platoon c. when reinforcements showed up, i put platoon f in platoon c's buildings and ran up platoon c to reinforce platoon b. but mostly, i just sat back and watched the meat grinder grind away. in addition to the m1919 and bazooka, i lost one of platoon b's squads. i could have retaken the overrun objective at any time in the last few turns (with either platoon c or f), but i settled for a major victory. hope that helped.
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