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What video driver do you have loaded up for your card ? Do you know what version of DirectX you have installed ? What OS are you running ?

You can download the latest PowerVR drivers here (14.0028) or from Hercules (select your card the from the drop down list). I'm not sure what the FSAA options are, but some of them won't work very well in CM (in order to see everything as it should be).

You can download DirectX 8.1 here, just select your OS. You'll need this version of DirectX to use the above drivers.

[ February 07, 2002, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Drivers are the software that interacts with your hardware. Updates to them usually fix problems, add features and sometimes increase performance.

If you click on the yellow colored text above it should take you to some websites. In your case I would suggest clicking on the Hercules link. There you'll be presented with a drop down list towards the top of the screen. By clicking on the down arrow on the right hand side of the box you'll get a list. The Hercules 3D Prophet 4000XT should be near the top of the list. Select that and press the Go button and it should take you to the support page for that video card.

You'll now be given a list of driver versions, with the newest at the top. You'll need to know what version of Windows you're running in order to select the correct driver (for example there'll be three 14.028 drivers, one for Windows 95/98/Millenium, one for Windows 2000 and one for Windows XP). When you click on 'Download' off to the right of the driver listing you should be prompted to save a file. Select and/or create a directory that is empty and that you can identify. You're file should now download to this directory.

Before you install the latest driver you'll probably want to update your version of DirectX which is the software that Microsoft has written that many games use under Windows. CM is one of those games and unless you have Windows XP, you most likely don't have the latest version unless someone else maintains/updates your computer (a relative or a computer technician). Clicking on the 'here' link near where DirectX 8.1 is mentioned above should take you to a screen where you can select which version of Windows you are running once you've selected that you'll be taken to another page where you can click the filename to download the appropriate version of DirectX. Again do what you did above and download to somewhere that is empty and/or that you'll know how to navigate to.

Once that is done close up ALL programs that you're running and browse to where you downloaded the DirectX file. Double-click/run it and it should install DirectX 8.1 for you. You'll need to reboot to finish the installation. Once you've rebooted back into Windows you can now browse to where you downloaded the Hercules driver and double-click/run it. It may ask where to extract to and you can indicate the directory that you're launching it from (which was hopefully empty). This may or may not run an install program. If not you may have to browse back to that directory you just ran the Hercules extraction from and look for a 'Setup.exe' file. Double-click/run that program and your drivers should be updated. This will probably require a reboot to finish properly.

Hopefully there are no problems with this sequence. It's possible that you may continue to have the same problem (if it is actually tied to your display driver). In that case uninstalling/removing your current video driver may be required and you'll probably want to have someone else do it if you're not that familiar with drivers and Windows.

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It's a pity they didn't make a tick box in the driver control panel that adds the DisableCopyBlt3D=1 key to the reg file since you could just tell people to select that. The newer drivers do this automatically when they install and import the reg file that is in the exe.

Mind you, with the Kyro II at least, they still haven't fixed the transparency through foreground objects/text boxes and you have to enable the external depth buffer in the vid control panel to get rid of this therefore it might require talking him though this after the new driver install to make it work properly.

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