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Cpt. Razor

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Everything posted by Cpt. Razor

  1. There were a few probs (to say the least) but now everything is okay and my screen is working, thaks for all your help! You can close this topic now (if you're an administrator) Thanks again! Bye!
  2. I have a 3D Prophet 4000xt. I don't know much about all of that high tech stuff you were saying to me :confused: so do you think you could say them in a more 13 yr old boy style? And could you tell me what all those links take me to and how that stuff would help me. Thanks
  3. I have a Hercules something or other 4000XT or something like that graphics card. But my problem is, when i click on my men the boxs showing ammo ect..just show the current terrain my men are situated in. I can't tell how many men are in the sqaud or anything. Please help me. :confused:
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