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Just new to CMBO

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Hi members,

I've recently got "Combat Mission 1: Beyond Overlord" and I love this game. Such an absolute tactical and logical game I've never seen. Great work @developers. Looking forward to CMBB when it's available as a budget version.

I've some questions:

1) When the crew of a tank or gun left it 'cause of fear or is killed, is there a way to capture that empty tank or gun with you own soldiers?

2) Although it seems that f.e. a shell from a tank hits a soldier directly that enemy soldier still lives. The same for mg-fire. It hits directly without any effect. Is there way to patch/mod it so that the shell/mg fire only hits soldiers if they are really hit and injured/terminated?

3) Is it possible to show damages to the tank textures? F.e. if a shell from a tank hits through the tower of another tank (without destroying it) is there a way that this "hole" is shown?

4) Aren't there any shadow for the soliders only for tanks?

5) Can you destroy trees/forests/buildings?

6) Why is this game so fantastic? smile.gif

Points 2)-5) are just for optical reasons.

Again, thanks for this great game.



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1. No. You cannot use the enemy's abandoned tanks or guns.

2. Each "soldier" in CM is an abstraction that represents anywhere from 1-8 real soldiers spread out over one 20 by 20 m tile. Thus, when a shell or MG fire hits a CM "soldier," it may or may not do any damage to the actual soldiers.

3. Tanks don't show damage until they are knocked out or abandoned [Not even when gun damaged or immobilized, I think]

4. Not sure on this one.

5. You can destroy buildings. It's easiest with direct fire from high explosive shells. Trees can't be destroyed but, depending on conditions, can be set on fire by flamethrowers, malfunctioning shells, etc.

6. Hard-working designers who listen to their customers, a very knowledgeable and active customer base that contributes to forums like this, and good karma.

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1) When the crew of a tank or gun left it 'cause of fear or is killed, is there a way to capture that empty tank or gun with you own soldiers?

No, vehicles cannot be captured, or re-manned, in the game. Abandoned (as opposed to knocked out) vehicles are assumed to still have taken some damage -- a thrown track, a jammed gun, etc -- either from the enemy or from the crew intentionally before abandoning. In operations, it is sometimes possible that an abandoned (not knocked out) vehicle will become available again in a subsequent battle, reflecting the efforts of a recovery team fixing the vehicle between engagements.

2) Although it seems that f.e. a shell from a tank hits a soldier directly that enemy soldier still lives. The same for mg-fire. It hits directly without any effect. Is there way to patch/mod it so that the shell/mg fire only hits soldiers if they are really hit and injured/terminated?

The soldiers that you see on the screen are actually a simplified graphical representation of a larger unit. Squads, for example, usually have 8 to 12 men in them. When hit, some of these men die or are incapacitated, but only when enough men are hit does the graphic change. To see the status of the individual members of a unit, select the unit and press the enter key.

3) Is it possible to show damages to the tank textures? F.e. if a shell from a tank hits through the tower of another tank (without destroying it) is there a way that this "hole" is shown?

4) Aren't there any shadow for the soliders only for tanks?

No, there is no dynamic modeling of damage to vehicles. You can, however, download "mods" to the standard images that come with the game, some of which show "pre-damaged" vehicles. I'm not sure if anyone has developed a mod for shadows for squads, or even if it is possible.

5) Can you destroy trees/forests/buildings?

Trees and forests can be set on fire, usually by flamethrower bearing vehicles or infantry teams. Buildings can be destroyed, most commonly by vehicles shooting at them with high explosive shells (try the "area fire" command), and also by squads with demolition packs.
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Thanks alot, guys.

About the soldiers graphics when hit, you're absolutely right. Looking at the number of soldiers/wounded give me the overview.

About capturing tanks/guns, perhaps a future sequel of CM will provide engineers who can fix abanoned/damaged tanks/gun for using them in your own team. Just an idea. It's very sad to see a Tiger abanoned alone. ;)

About dynamic modelling, "Klingon Academy" uses this feature. It's really nice to see torpedos going through the hull of ships with leaving a big hole in it. Don't know who the programmers did that.

And I've to try to set some fire on forests. tongue.gif

I really look forward to "Combat Mission 3: X".

BTW: Perhaps that CM-Engine would be something for the "X-Com: Apocalypse" universe?

Great place here! Thnx again...



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