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CMX2 Precursors??

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"Why do you even ask?"

for that matter, why do you even answer?

With all these new games coming out from the battlefront stable it seems reasonable to ask to what extent they have an influence on the (to me anyway) biggie of them all. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

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Originally posted by Sivodsi:

Does that seem unreasonable to you?

Well, yes as a matter of fact. Different design teams, using different game engines. Not obvious there should be any reason for there to be much influence of one on any other. The only things those games have in common is the publisher and some development help from the publisher's employees.


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There's just too great differences in the game designs for any meaningful influence to occur. Of course, when Charles and Steve et al have a look at these games, maybe they will pick up some innovations. But they might just as well do so whilee playing Rome: Total War or Half Life 2.

Besides, until we have seen the next CM game, it is quite impossible to know what it will be like. Even with my ÜberIntuition. My only prediction is that the next generation will be more like the previous generation than it will be like T-72, DropTeam or les Grognards.

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Well, I would say that perhaps the combination of DropTeam and LesGrogs rule out that CMX2 will have any of those settings (that would be over doing it wouldn't it?). But then there are several small hints that it'll be a combined arms setting, which is what I would expect anyway.

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