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Comparing CMAK and CMBO airborne units ...

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Comparing CMBO and CMAK units...

Since 1.03 version, Us 1944 airborne battalion are available.

Then , for the same period, we can compare US airborne from CMBO with the same division type from CMAK.

Paratroops and glider equipment and organization are very different between CMBO and CMAK...I have notice the following characteristics in:

-Rifle Section (or squad)equipment and organization :US Airborne

Glider Squad (CMAK) :8* Garand 1*Springfield 1*BAR

Glider Squad (CMBO) : 7* Garand 2* Thompson SMG 2* Carbine 1* BAR

In glider Battalion, AntiTank Company (57mm guns) are not included in CMAK TO&E. AT company already exist in 1943. Why BTS doesn't include them? ?

PAratroop squad 1944 (CMAK): 7* Rifle 1* Thompson 1* BAR

Paratroop squad (CMBO): 5* Garand 2* Thompson 2* Carbine 1*BAR

I know there was TO&E change during December 1944.US 1944 airborne appeared on march 1944 in CMAK

Is the temporary TO&E was the same for Italy and Normandy?

British Airborne

Paratroop Squad (CMAK): 8* Einfield 1* Sten 1* Bren

Paratroop Squad (CMBO): 5* Einfield 4* Sten 1* Bren

Glider Squad (CMAK): 8* Einfield 1* Sten 1* Bren

Glider Squad (CMBO) : 3*Rifle 3*Sten 1*Bren

In the case if the glider, a plane could carry 30 men, equaling to a platoon.Then, there are 8 men per squad in a platoon.Neither CMAK nor CMBO have the same OB!!!

Like the US Glider Battalion, AT company is removed from British Glider Battalion.

Also, I don't understand the equipment with boys AT rifle at a time where all other infantry units were equipped with PIAT!

Another remarkable difference between the two games, is the additional SMGs in CMBO.Even at the end of the war, regular infantry squads don't

have many SMGs! I know, with regard to british equipment, there was a pool reserve of SMGs in a company (about 400 stens). But this doesn't explain the profusion of SMGs in US airborne.CMAK glider squad (9*Rifle 1*BAR) is more realistic ( until Market Garden Operation included, i think) than CMBO's one.

I have noticed ,in units editor, the British division airborne is available in nov.Dec. 1943 but there is nothing inside!!!

[ March 20, 2005, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: Darkmath ]

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Is the US glider squad weapon equipment was the same between 1943 and 1944 (and 1945)?

Why does the British Glider squad weapon equipment differ so many between CMBOand CMAK (7 men vs. 12 men.And the 1944 gliders had a greater capacity than '43 models. So, if CMBO TO&E is true,taking '43 glider (in the scope of CMAK Theatre) capacity into account,why the CMAK squad is more important?

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I've done a fair bit of research on British airborne units over the years. The only conclusion I've come to about their OrBats is that they didn't have a single definitive one. Basically it varies from Operation to Operation and year to year and from Division to Division. Each commander appeared to have his own ideas on how the establishment should be modified and did so, pretty much at will. So, I wouldn't be too overly worried about differences between theatres, let alone units.

I've seen one source which claims that every British Paratroop Section carried a 2in Mortar, for D-Day, while another said their was only one per platoon as normal. I've another source which is extremely reliable (Otway's History of British Airborne Forces, which was written for the War Office at the end of WWII and drew heavily upon his and other's personal experiences), which gives Paratroop units just after D-Day 6 Pdr AT guns - airdropped, with their jeeps from Halifax bomber bomb-bays!

So, I'm not surprised there are substantial differences in what BFC claims was the typical organisation and establishment for these units. Considering they got many aspects of the CW forces wrong in CMBO and have failed to correct them in CMAK, I more surprised often at what they do include, rather than what they didn't.

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