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Armour points ratio for CMAK

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Why is it that the axis now have the same amout of points aviable for purchasing armour as the allies. In Italy atleast. In both CMBO and CMBB they had much less and I guess that was to reflect the battlefield conditions of the allies having much more armour than the axis. But, not so anymore, why?

BTW! I dont mind, infact I think it's a good thing. Now we wont only see toons of Stugs, but a toon + a extra Stug ;)

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CMBO/CMBB didn't reduce German armor points because of availabilty; German armor points were restricted because German vehicles had a significant anti-tank potential that Allied ACs didn't have.

For example, in CMBB, Sov. ACs are armed only with MGs after some point in 1942 or 43. So if armor points were equal, the German player could not only buy the same amount of armor that the soviet player had, but could also buy "tank-like" heavy ACs, such as the Puma or the 234/4, which, while lightly armored, are capable of knocking out medium tanks. And can certainly destroy any soviet AC. By contrast, the soviet ACs can pretty much only affect infantry.

So I would imagine BFC made the change because allied vehicles are more similar to axis vehicles wrt AT potential. I don't know if this is true across the board, but I know it's true in the early war, where the brits, for example, have not only ACs with good AT capacity, but also various forms of portee that can also take out tanks.

In later war, the Axis still has access to decent ACs - various vehicles with short 75s, mostly - but it appears that they don't have the puma, which was always the most potent AT AC. This may be roughly equivalent - in AT terms - to a daimler or a greyhound. And of course one big difference from CMBO is the existence of rarity, which should cut down on unrealistic use of certain ACs.

Anyway, that's my take on this.

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