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What I want to see in the Cheery Waffle Thread X2

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For Boo.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Except me. I'm old. I think.

I grow old … I grow old …

I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?

I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.

I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

I have seen them riding seaward on the waves

Combing the white hair of the waves blown back

When the wind blows the water white and black.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea

By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown

Till human voices wake us, and we drown.

God I hate that pompous ass. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Now this is a great poet -- Alden Nowlan. Canadian, alcoholic.

Broadcaster's Poem

I used to broadcast at night

alone in a radio station

but I was never good at it

partly because my voice wasn't right

but mostly because my peculiar

metaphysical stupidity

made it impossible

for me to keep believing

their was somebody listening

when it seemd I was talking

only to myuself in a room no bigger

than an ordinary bathroom

I could believe it for a while

and then I'd get somewhat

the same feeling as when you

start to suspect you're the victim

of a practical joke

So one part of me

was afraid another part

might blurt out something

about myself so terrible

that even I had never until

that moment suspected it

This was like the fear

of bridges and other

high places: Will I take off my glasses

and throw them

into the water, although I'm

half blind without them?

Will I sneak up behind

myself and push?

Another thing:

As a reporter

I covered an accident in which a train

ran into a car, killing

three young men, one of whom

was beheaded. The bodies looked

boneless, as such bodies do

More like mounds of rags

and inside the wreckage

where nobody could get at it

the car radio

was still playing

I thought about places

the disc jockey's voice goes

and the things that happen there

and of how impossible it would be for him

to continue if he really knew.

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Hmmm. I think I'd like to see Axe2121 remodeled to be less Canadian...you know, less ineffectual.

I think I'd like to see Snarker beefed up a bit, intellectually speaking. With maybe the ability to show that he's ever read a fecking book, you know?

And Dave H...I think it would be enough to show that he has a darker side. Perhaps some passages where he admits he gets a bit weakened in the morality department when contemplating very young teenage girls. Every hero should have a disturbing personal flaw, and that one is at least horrendously enjoyable, while still inspiring a sick and certain sense of guilt and despair.

As for Soddball...well, I think in the Cheery Waffle Thread X2, he should simply be tossed into a sawdust pit armed only with a blunt letter opener and a staple remover to fight to the death with Donald Rumsfeld.

And I want him to take his time over it. Because I haven't any doubts that Soddball would win. I just want him to win really, really slowly.

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Why you're downright cheery today! Could I trouble you for a poem? ...a really long one, say 10 pages? ...without repeating any words? ...in Swahili? And when you're done you should probably post it in the <font size = 1>other</font size=1> thread to avoid any jealous fits of rage. :D .... :mad:

Shouldn't you be hanging around the local infant schools with your bag of sweeties, you reprobate?

It comes to something when a long streak of widdle like you is allowed to leave your scent mark on the walls of the Cheery Waffle Thread. :mad:

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Why you're downright cheery today! Could I trouble you for a poem? ...a really long one, say 10 pages? ...without repeating any words? ...in Swahili? And when you're done you should probably post it in the <font size = 1>other</font size=1> thread to avoid any jealous fits of rage. :D .... :mad:

What were you doing up at two in the morning? :mad: :confused:
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmmm. I think I'd like to see Axe2121 remodeled to be less Canadian...you know, less ineffectual.

As well as less intelligent, less dashing, less handsome....I could go on but modesty rears its unwelcome head.
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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Oh, and CWX2 should have some Cold War :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: !


Yes! Yes! This thread needs, cries out, for more gigantic phallic symbols! Huge, enormous, swollen phallic symbols! Where's Sturmy? He must have thousands of photos.


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