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CMAK auto-translate?

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Okay, I think I've got the WEIRDEST bug yet.

After downloading Chrushtshov's QB map pack off CMMODS I decide to alter the setup zones.

So I begine opening the maps in the editor. I open the map "Dead river.cmg" but it appears in the map editor as "Toter fluss". That's odd! I open the QB map "Important.cmg" and in the map editor its named "Wichtig". And I open "The town.cmg" in the map editor and it comes up "Die Stadt"!

What's going on here? Has anyone else had CMAK auto-translate their QB maps or scenarios before? This looks like the sort of off-the-wall bug I should email to Matt!

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No, what has happened is the scenario overwrote the existing scenario. When you do that, the original file name is still listed. Save to someplace else, copy into your existing scenario diretory, overwrite, and the riginal name will be gone. However, I do like the capability to keep the original file name, for testing purposes.


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The only logical explanation would be that the 'translated' titles were the author's originals and when he changed the scenario name it didn't overwrite the original in all places. When the map goes into the editor it's not picking up the current name but the old one.

This could have catastrophic consequences. Let's say you want to create a new scenario based on the map from "Attack on Nibeiwa Fort". You open the scenario, rework it, then resave under a new name. If the next time you open that scenario in the editor the name pops back to "Attack on Nibeiwa Fort" you could inadvertantly overwrite the original quite easily! Ouch!

Something's not working quite right here.

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