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The Omars - how to fight??


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Possible spoiler for the "Omars" - if you read the replys................












Anyone got tips on how to get through the second battle in the Scenario "Omars", I have tried a dozen times and can't get anywhere with it....

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Yeah, I got cloberred too. :mad: By the time the Matildas arrived (big lumbering Bren guns, considering that their 2 pounder AT shot does nothing)there wasn't much infantry left to support.

I spent much of the second scenario getting dizzy watching my infantry swirl in circles (looked like a bunch of cockroaches on the kitchen floor when you turn on the lights :eek: ), then wore out the mouse cancelling "Sneak" orders. I also noticed that my units would not sneak towards a friendly held trench, but WOULD sneak towards an enemy held trench :confused: :rolleyes: . Anyone else noticing this?

Yes, I did use smoke, yes I did use real tactics, yes I tried many things...

My solution--play something else. :(

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My solution--
OOPS! redface.gif

Before I offend the scenario designer let me explain this a bit further--MY solution. Just because I am too inept to have success in this battle does NOT mean the op isn't very good. It WAS fun, but became frustrating. So, I just moved on to the next op/battle. Now I spend most of my time testing at the Proving Grounds (I have always enjoyed playtesting--it de-emphasizes winning and focusses on helping others create something fun.)or fooling around with QBs--and that is primarily to get those great new mods into action ASAP.

So, this will be a good, useful thread for those of us that can use some helpful hints. Uh oh, is that mom over there? Will this thread by transferred to the Scenario Discussion link? :eek:

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  • 3 months later...

Spolier warning!

I just finished this operation last night and have a greater appreciation for the power of massed infantry and motars. I won this operation by taking each trench one by one and attacking the trenches from multiple sides. The 25 pounders and other spotters were helpful. Once I had captured one trench placing these guys in there not only protected them but also gave them a good field of view. Try advancing with infantry along the sides of the map to avoid the trenches frontally. Then sneak your troops to the sand dunes near the trenches and then advance your troops. There is some cover on the battle field but you have to look carefully. I also lost loads of Matildas from the 88's but I pulled them back and let my infantry supress them and then take them out. Those small 50mm motars are really good for this. But I have to admit I was really frustrated once all my spotters and motars ran out of ammo, it was tought but I stuck to it and finnally one. Also Italian troops make up a lot of the defending troops in the battle and so it gets a little easier near the end. But honestly I found the Matildas almost useless, my infantry and spotters did 90% of the damage to the infantry.

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  • 7 months later...

I've just finished playing this scenario as the Allies.

At the start of the third battle, I thought I was in with a chance. In the dawn attacks, I'd managed to capture two trenches by laying down a smokescreen, and I was lucky enough to have captured two of the 88s in the process.

In the third battle, I had my mortars and spotters set up in one of the captured trenches. When the third 88 opened up, I was able to destroy it with concentrated mortar and small-arms fire.

Despite this, I still lost several Matildas to the smaller AT guns. Many of them were immobilised and abandoned rather than being brewed up, but this wasn't much help to the overall attack.

My 25 pdrs were able to neutralize the 50mm AT guns, but by the time this happened I'd lost too many tanks to have much hope. I tried another infantry assault under the biggest smokescreen I could lay down, but that was beaten back.

In the final turns I was able to capture the flag with my last few functional tanks, supported by a few squads that had managed to sneak into the nearby trench, but even this wasn't enough to prevent a total Allied defeat.

I can't give you the final point breakdown, because this wasn't displayed at the end. (Was this a bug, or is the scenario so stacked against the attacker that they didn't bother to print it?) I know that I lost twice as many men as the defenders, but in this kind of fight that's not entirely suprising.

If I were to replay the third battle, with 2 88s already taken care of, and with the knowledge I now have, I might just be able to salvage some kind of draw from it.

But does anyone seriously think that you could win as the Allies on your first run through the scenario?

I'm not necessarily complaining. Real battles aren't normally fair or balanced, and real commanders suffer disastrous defeats through no fault of their own. It was still an interesting scenario, and if you want a demonstration of why British tanks really should have been armed with guns that could fire HE, this is about as good as you can get. But I still don't think the Allies have much of a chance.

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