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Voodoo 3 latest driver problems?


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Hello, over the weekend I upgraded my Voodoo 3 to the latest driver available at the 3dfx site (dated November 10). This was due to some problems with another game, not CM. However after the upgrade I am having occasional display problems within CM. I am almost certain it is the driver because I have not installed any new mods lately. What happens is some of the graphics turn white completely and some flash between white and the correct color. It seems to be random, have seen it happen to soldiers faces, tank BMPs, target lines, terrain, etc. Normally shutting down CM and restarting will correct the problem, at least temporarily. I'm on the first release of the public beta patch.

Anyone else running a Voodoo 3 (AGP) and this latest driver with success?



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What resolution are you running at ? I don't have a Voodoo 3 here to check for myself, but I've heard that if you run over 1024 x 768 you're likely to see the "texture white-out" problem. Running at 1024 x 768 or less will reduce the frequency of the problem (supposedly). Apparently older drivers were a little more susceptible to this problem and the latest driver has addressed this problem, but possibly not completely.

One user on this forum claims that the problem went away for them completely when they upgraded to DirectX 8.0 along with the latest Voodoo 3 driver. A search for "white out" on the Tech Support forum will probably get you several hits on the problem.

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Thanks for the quick response and the search tip. Yep that sounds like what is happening to me, and how odd it didn't show up in all my months of CM play _until_ I installed the latest driver? Augh! I am at 1024x768, guess I will have to try DirectX8.0 tonight to see if that helps. If not I guess I will be getting a new video card for Christmas!

The only good news is that the updated driver did fix the problems I was having with "Sea Dogs".

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